Source code for km3pipe.utils.k40calib

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Filename:
# vim: ts=4 sw=4 et
K40 Intra-DOM Calibration

The following script calculates the PMT time offsets using K40 coincidences

    k40calib FILE DET_ID [-t TMAX -c CTMIN -r -o CALIB_FILE -s STREAM]
    k40calib (-h | --help)
    k40calib --version

    FILE            Input file (ROOT).
    DET_ID          Detector ID (e.g. 29).
    -r              Skip frames with with at least one PMT in HRV.
    -t TMAX         Coincidence time window [default: 10].
    -s STREAM       JDAQTimeslice stream (L1, L2, SN, ...) [default: ].
    -c CTMIN        Minimum cos(angle) between PMTs for L2 [default: -1.0].
    -o CALIB_FILE   Filename for the calibration output [default: k40_cal.p].
    -h --help       Show this screen.
# Author: Jonas Reubelt <> and Tamas Gal <>
# License: MIT

from km3pipe import version
import km3pipe as kp
from km3modules import k40
from km3modules.common import StatusBar, MemoryObserver

__author__ = "Tamas Gal and Jonas Reubelt"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, KM3NeT collaboration."
__credits__ = []
__license__ = "MIT"
__maintainer__ = "Jonas Reubelt and Tamas Gal"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

[docs] def k40calib(filename, tmax, ctmin, stream, filter_hrv, det_id, calib_filename): pipe = kp.Pipeline() pipe.attach(, filename=filename, stream=stream) pipe.attach(StatusBar, every=5000) pipe.attach(MemoryObserver, every=10000) pipe.attach(k40.HRVFIFOTimesliceFilter, filter_hrv=filter_hrv, filename=filename) pipe.attach(k40.SummaryMedianPMTRateService, filename=filename) pipe.attach(k40.TwofoldCounter, tmax=tmax) pipe.attach(k40.K40BackgroundSubtractor, mode="offline") pipe.attach( k40.IntraDOMCalibrator, ctmin=ctmin, mode="offline", det_id=det_id, calib_filename=calib_filename, ) pipe.drain()
[docs] def main(): from docopt import docopt args = docopt(__doc__, version=version) k40calib( args["FILE"], int(args["-t"]), float(args["-c"]), args["-s"], args["-r"], int(args["DET_ID"]), args["-o"], )