Source code for km3pipe

# Filename:
The extemporary KM3NeT analysis framework.

    from importlib.metadata import version as get_version

[docs] version = get_version(__name__)
except ImportError: from pkg_resources import get_distribution version = get_distribution(__name__).version try: __KM3PIPE_SETUP__ except NameError: __KM3PIPE_SETUP__ = False if not __KM3PIPE_SETUP__: from . import logger # noqa from .dataclasses import Table, NDArray # noqa from . import dataclasses # noqa from . import calib # noqa from . import cmd # noqa from . import constants # noqa from . import controlhost # noqa from . import hardware # noqa from . import io # noqa from . import math # noqa from . import mc # noqa from . import physics from . import shell # noqa from . import style # noqa from . import sys # noqa # from . import testing # noqa from . import time # noqa from . import tools # noqa from thepipe import ( Pipeline, Module, Blob, Provenance, ) # reexport the provenance handler __author__ = "Tamas Gal and Moritz Lotze" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, Tamas Gal and the KM3NeT collaboration." __credits__ = ["Thomas Heid"] __license__ = "MIT" __version__ = version __maintainer__ = "Tamas Gal and Moritz Lotze" __email__ = "" __status__ = "Development"