Source code for km3pipe.utils.h5tree

Print the structure of a hdf5 file.

This is a less verbose version of ``ptdump`` from the pytables package.
If you want much more detailed (+verbose) output, e.g. for debugging, by
all means use the ``ptdump`` util (it's already installed as a dependency
alongside km3pipe).

    h5tree [options] FILE
    h5tree (-h | --help)
    h5tree --version

    FILE        Input file.
    -h --help   Show this screen.
    --no-meta   Don't print meta data at top
    --titles    Print leaf titles.
    --classic   Print like ptdump.


import numpy as np
import tables

__author__ = "Moritz Lotze"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, Moritz Lotze and the KM3NeT collaboration."
__credits__ = []
__license__ = "MIT"
__maintainer__ = "Moritz Lotze"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

[docs] def nodeinfo(node, print_titles=False): pathname = node._v_pathname try: n_rows = node.shape[0] n_rows_str = "{}".format(n_rows) except AttributeError: n_rows_str = None try: title = str(node.title) if not print_titles or not title or title.isspace(): title = None else: title = "'{}'".format(title) except AttributeError: title = None return ", ".join( [node for node in (pathname, title, n_rows_str) if node is not None] )
[docs] def meta(h5): try: version = np.string_(h5.root._v_attrs.format_version) print("KM3HDF5 v{}".format(version.decode("utf-8"))) except AttributeError: pass try: info = h5.root.event_info n_events = info.shape[0] print("Number of Events: {}".format(n_events)) except tables.NoSuchNodeError: pass
[docs] def h5tree(h5name, print_meta=True, pretty=True, **kwargs): with tables.open_file(h5name) as h5: if print_meta: meta(h5) node_kinds = h5.root._v_file._node_kinds[1:] what = h5.root._f_walk_groups() for k, group in enumerate(what): d = group._v_depth if pretty: print("│  " * (d - 1) + "├── " * d + group._v_name) else: print(group._v_pathname) for kind in node_kinds: for n, node in enumerate(group._f_list_nodes(kind)): if n == 0: n_siblings = node._v_parent._v_nchildren filler = "├── " if n == n_siblings - 1: filler = "└── " d = node._v_depth if pretty: print("│  " * (d - 1) + filler + node._v_name) else: print(nodeinfo(node, **kwargs))
[docs] def main(): from docopt import docopt args = docopt(__doc__) fname = args["FILE"] do_titles = bool(args["--titles"]) do_meta = not bool(args["--no-meta"]) do_classic = bool(args["--classic"]) h5tree( fname, print_titles=do_titles, print_meta=do_meta, print_pretty=not (do_classic), )