Source code for km3pipe.utils.h5header

# Filename:
Show the km3pipe etc. version used to write a H5 file.

    h5header FILE [-r]
    h5header (-h | --help)
    h5header --version

    FILE        Input file.
    -r --raw    Dump raw metadata.
    -h --help   Show this screen.


import tables

__author__ = "Tamas Gal"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, Tamas Gal and the KM3NeT collaboration."
__credits__ = []
__license__ = "MIT"
__maintainer__ = "Tamas Gal"
__credits__ = "Moritz Lotze"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

[docs] def h5header(h5name, raw=False): with tables.open_file(h5name) as h5: header_loc = "/header" if not header_loc in h5: # noqa print("Sorry, no header.") return header = h5.get_node(header_loc) att_list = header._v_attrs._f_list() if raw: print(header._v_attrs.__repr__()) return if not att_list and not raw: print("Sorry, no metadata.") return for att in header._v_attrs._f_list(): ver = header._v_attrs[att] print("{}: {}".format(att, ver))
[docs] def main(): from docopt import docopt arguments = docopt(__doc__) h5header(arguments["FILE"], arguments["--raw"])