Source code for km3pipe.utils.daqsample

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Filename:
Take samples from a given DAQ ControlHost stream.

    daqsample [options] TAG OUTFILE
    daqsample (-h | --help)
    daqsample --version

    TAG             ControlHost TAG (e.g. IO_EVT).
    OUTFILE         Filename of the dump file.
    -i LIGIER_IP    IP of the Ligier [default:].
    -p LIGIER_PORT  Port of the Ligier [default: 5553].
    -n SAMPLES      Number of samples [default: 1].
    -h --help       Show this screen.

import km3pipe as kp

__author__ = "Tamas Gal"
__copyright__ = "Tamas Gal and the KM3NeT collaboration."
__credits__ = []
__license__ = "MIT"
__maintainer__ = "Tamas Gal"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

[docs] class Dumper(kp.Module):
[docs] def configure(self): filename = self.require("filename") self._fobj = open(filename, "bw")
[docs] def process(self, blob): self._fobj.write(blob["CHData"]) return blob
[docs] def finish(self): self._fobj.close()
[docs] def main(): from docopt import docopt args = docopt(__doc__, version=kp.version) tag = args["TAG"] outfile = args["OUTFILE"] port = int(args["-p"]) ip = args["-i"] n = int(args["-n"]) pipe = kp.Pipeline() pipe.attach(, host=ip, port=port, tags=tag) pipe.attach(Dumper, filename=outfile) pipe.drain(n)