Source code for

# Filename:
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Read and write KM3NeT-formatted HDF5 files.


from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict, namedtuple
from functools import singledispatch
import os.path
import warnings
from uuid import uuid4

import numpy as np
import tables as tb
import km3io
from thepipe import Provenance

    from numba import jit
except ImportError:
[docs] jit = lambda f: f
import km3pipe as kp from thepipe import Module, Blob from km3pipe.dataclasses import Table, NDArray from km3pipe.logger import get_logger from import decamelise, camelise, split, istype
[docs] log = get_logger(__name__) # pylint: disable=C0103
__author__ = "Tamas Gal and Moritz Lotze and Michael Moser" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, Tamas Gal and the KM3NeT collaboration." __credits__ = [] __license__ = "MIT" __maintainer__ = "Tamas Gal and Moritz Lotze" __email__ = "" __status__ = "Development"
[docs] FORMAT_VERSION = np.string_("5.1")
[docs] MINIMUM_FORMAT_VERSION = np.string_("4.1")
[docs] class H5VersionError(Exception): pass
[docs] def check_version(h5file): try: version = np.string_(h5file.root._v_attrs.format_version) except AttributeError: log.error( "Could not determine HDF5 format version: '%s'." "You may encounter unexpected errors! Good luck..." % h5file.filename ) return if split(version, int, np.string_(".")) < split( MINIMUM_FORMAT_VERSION, int, np.string_(".") ): raise H5VersionError( "HDF5 format version {0} or newer required!\n" "'{1}' has HDF5 format version {2}.".format( MINIMUM_FORMAT_VERSION.decode("utf-8"), h5file.filename, version.decode("utf-8"), ) )
[docs] class HDF5Header(object): """Wrapper class for the `/raw_header` table in KM3HDF5 Parameters ---------- data : dict(str, str/tuple/dict/OrderedDict) The actual header data, consisting of a key and an entry. If possible, the key will be set as a property and the the values will be converted to namedtuples (fields sorted by name to ensure consistency when dictionaries are provided). """ def __init__(self, data): self._data = data self._user_friendly_data = {} # namedtuples, if possible self._set_attributes() def _set_attributes(self): """Traverse the internal dictionary and set the getters""" for parameter in list(self._data.keys()): data = self._data[parameter] if isinstance(data, dict) or isinstance(data, OrderedDict): if not all(f.isidentifier() for f in data.keys()): break # Create a namedtuple for easier access field_names, field_values = zip(*data.items()) sorted_indices = np.argsort(field_names) clsname = "HeaderEntry" if not parameter.isidentifier() else parameter nt = namedtuple(clsname, [field_names[i] for i in sorted_indices]) data = nt(*[field_values[i] for i in sorted_indices]) if parameter.isidentifier(): setattr(self, parameter, data) self._user_friendly_data[parameter] = data def __getitem__(self, key): return self._user_friendly_data[key]
[docs] def keys(self): return self._user_friendly_data.keys()
[docs] def values(self): return self._user_friendly_data.values()
[docs] def items(self): return self._user_friendly_data.items()
[docs] def from_table(cls, table): data = OrderedDict() for i in range(len(table)): parameter = table["parameter"][i].decode() field_names = table["field_names"][i].decode().split(" ") field_values = table["field_values"][i].decode().split(" ") if field_values == [""]:"No value for parameter '{}'! Skipping...".format(parameter)) continue dtypes = table["dtype"][i].decode() dtyped_values = [] for dtype, value in zip(dtypes.split(" "), field_values): if dtype.startswith("a"): dtyped_values.append(value) else: value = np.fromstring(value, dtype=dtype, sep=" ")[0] dtyped_values.append(value) data[parameter] = OrderedDict(zip(field_names, dtyped_values)) return cls(data)
[docs] def from_km3io(cls, header): if not isinstance(header, km3io.offline.Header): raise TypeError( "The given header object is not an instance of km3io.offline.Header" ) return cls(header._data)
[docs] def from_aanet(cls, table): data = OrderedDict() for i in range(len(table)): parameter = table["parameter"][i].astype(str) field_names = [n.decode() for n in table["field_names"][i].split()] field_values = [n.decode() for n in table["field_values"][i].split()] if field_values in [[b""], []]:"No value for parameter '{}'! Skipping...".format(parameter)) continue dtypes = table["dtype"][i] dtyped_values = [] for dtype, value in zip(dtypes.split(), field_values): if dtype.startswith(b"a"): dtyped_values.append(value) else: value = np.fromstring(value, dtype=dtype, sep=" ")[0] dtyped_values.append(value) data[parameter] = OrderedDict(zip(field_names, dtyped_values)) return cls(data)
[docs] def from_hdf5(cls, filename): with tb.open_file(filename, "r") as f: try: table = f.get_node("/raw_header") except tb.NoSuchNodeError: msg = f"No header information found in '{filename}'" raise return cls.from_pytable(table)
[docs] def from_pytable(cls, table): data = OrderedDict() for row in table: parameter = row["parameter"].decode() field_names = row["field_names"].decode().split(" ") field_values = row["field_values"].decode().split(" ") if field_values == [""]:"No value for parameter '{}'! Skipping...".format(parameter)) continue dtypes = row["dtype"].decode() dtyped_values = [] for dtype, value in zip(dtypes.split(" "), field_values): if dtype.startswith("a"): dtyped_values.append(value) else: value = np.fromstring(value, dtype=dtype, sep=" ")[0] dtyped_values.append(value) data[parameter] = OrderedDict(zip(field_names, dtyped_values)) return cls(data)
[docs] class HDF5IndexTable: def __init__(self, h5loc, start=0): self.h5loc = h5loc self._data = defaultdict(list) self._index = 0 if start > 0: self._data["indices"] = [0] * start self._data["n_items"] = [0] * start
[docs] def append(self, n_items): self._data["indices"].append(self._index) self._data["n_items"].append(n_items) self._index += n_items
[docs] def data(self): return self._data
[docs] def fillup(self, length): missing = length - len(self) self._data["indices"] += [["indices"][-1]] * missing self._data["n_items"] += [0] * missing
def __len__(self): return len(["indices"])
[docs] class HDF5Sink(Module): """Write KM3NeT-formatted HDF5 files, event-by-event. The data can be a ``kp.Table``, a numpy structured array, a pandas DataFrame, or a simple scalar. The name of the corresponding H5 table is the decamelised blob-key, so values which are stored in the blob under `FooBar` will be written to `/foo_bar` in the HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- filename: str, optional [default: 'dump.h5'] Where to store the events. h5file: pytables.File instance, optional [default: None] Opened file to write to. This is mutually exclusive with filename. keys: list of strings, optional List of Blob-keys to write, everything else is ignored. complib : str [default: zlib] Compression library that should be used. 'zlib', 'lzf', 'blosc' and all other PyTables filters are available. complevel : int [default: 5] Compression level. chunksize : int [optional] Chunksize that should be used for saving along the first axis of the input array. flush_frequency: int, optional [default: 500] The number of iterations to cache tables and arrays before dumping to disk. pytab_file_args: dict [optional] pass more arguments to the pytables File init n_rows_expected = int, optional [default: 10000] append: bool, optional [default: False] reset_group_id: bool, optional [default: True] Resets the group_id so that it's continuous in the output file. Use this with care! Notes ----- Provides service write_table(tab, h5loc=None): tab:Table, h5loc:str The table to write, with ".h5loc" set or to h5loc if specified. """
[docs] def configure(self): self.filename = self.get("filename", default="dump.h5") self.ext_h5file = self.get("h5file") self.keys = self.get("keys", default=[]) self.complib = self.get("complib", default="zlib") self.complevel = self.get("complevel", default=5) self.chunksize = self.get("chunksize") self.flush_frequency = self.get("flush_frequency", default=500) self.pytab_file_args = self.get("pytab_file_args", default=dict()) self.keep_open = self.get("keep_open") self._reset_group_id = self.get("reset_group_id", default=True) self.indices = {} # to store HDF5IndexTables for each h5loc self._singletons_written = {} # magic 10000: this is the default of the "expectedrows" arg # from the tables.File.create_table() function # at least according to the docs # might be able to set to `None`, I don't know... self.n_rows_expected = self.get("n_rows_expected", default=10000) self.index = 0 self._uuid = str(uuid4()) self.expose(self.write_table, "write_table") if self.ext_h5file is not None: self.h5file = self.ext_h5file else: self.h5file = tb.open_file( self.filename, mode="w", title="KM3NeT", **self.pytab_file_args, ) Provenance().record_output( self.filename, uuid=self._uuid, comment="HDF5Sink output" ) self.filters = tb.Filters( complevel=self.complevel, shuffle=True, fletcher32=True, complib=self.complib, ) self._tables = OrderedDict() self._ndarrays = OrderedDict() self._ndarrays_cache = defaultdict(list)
def _to_array(self, data, name=None): if data is None: return if np.isscalar(data): self.log.debug("toarray: is a scalar") return Table( {name: np.asarray(data).reshape((1,))}, h5loc="/misc/{}".format(decamelise(name)), name=name, ) if hasattr(data, "len") and len(data) <= 0: # a bit smelly ;) self.log.debug("toarray: data has no length") return # istype instead isinstance, to avoid heavy pandas import (hmmm...) if istype(data, "DataFrame"): # noqa self.log.debug("toarray: pandas dataframe") data = Table.from_dataframe(data) return data def _cache_ndarray(self, arr): self._ndarrays_cache[arr.h5loc].append(arr) def _write_ndarrays_cache_to_disk(self): """Writes all the cached NDArrays to disk and empties the cache""" for h5loc, arrs in self._ndarrays_cache.items(): title = arrs[0].title chunkshape = ( (self.chunksize,) + arrs[0].shape[1:] if self.chunksize is not None else None ) arr = NDArray(np.concatenate(arrs), h5loc=h5loc, title=title) if h5loc not in self._ndarrays: loc, tabname = os.path.split(h5loc) ndarr = self.h5file.create_earray( loc, tabname, tb.Atom.from_dtype(arr.dtype), (0,) + arr.shape[1:], chunkshape=chunkshape, title=title, filters=self.filters, createparents=True, ) self._ndarrays[h5loc] = ndarr else: ndarr = self._ndarrays[h5loc] # for arr_length in (len(a) for a in arrs): # self._record_index(h5loc, arr_length) ndarr.append(arr) self._ndarrays_cache = defaultdict(list)
[docs] def write_table(self, table, h5loc=None): """Write a single table to the HDF5 file, exposed as a service""" self.log.debug("Writing table %s", if h5loc is None: h5loc = table.h5loc self._write_table(h5loc, table,
def _write_table(self, h5loc, arr, title): level = len(h5loc.split("/")) if h5loc not in self._tables: dtype = arr.dtype if any("U" in str(dtype.fields[f][0]) for f in dtype.fields): self.log.error( "Cannot write data to '{}'. Unicode strings are not supported!".format( h5loc ) ) return loc, tabname = os.path.split(h5loc) self.log.debug( "h5loc '{}', Loc '{}', tabname '{}'".format(h5loc, loc, tabname) ) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", tb.NaturalNameWarning) tab = self.h5file.create_table( loc, tabname, chunkshape=self.chunksize, description=dtype, title=title, filters=self.filters, createparents=True, expectedrows=self.n_rows_expected, ) tab._v_attrs.datatype = title if level < 5: self._tables[h5loc] = tab else: tab = self._tables[h5loc] h5_colnames = set(tab.colnames) tab_colnames = set(arr.dtype.names) if h5_colnames != tab_colnames: missing_cols = h5_colnames - tab_colnames if missing_cols:"Missing columns in table, trying to append NaNs.") arr = arr.append_columns( missing_cols, np.full((len(missing_cols), len(arr)), np.nan) ) if arr.dtype != tab.dtype: self.log.error( "Differing dtypes after appending " "missing columns to the table! Skipping..." ) return if arr.dtype != tab.dtype: try: arr = Table(arr, dtype=tab.dtype) except ValueError: self.log.critical( "Cannot write a table to '%s' since its dtype is " "different compared to the previous table with the same " "HDF5 location, which was used to fix the dtype of the " "HDF5 compund type." % h5loc ) raise tab.append(arr) if level < 4: tab.flush() def _write_separate_columns(self, where, obj, title): f = self.h5file loc, group_name = os.path.split(where) if where not in f: group = f.create_group(loc, group_name, title, createparents=True) group._v_attrs.datatype = title else: group = f.get_node(where) for col, (dt, _) in obj.dtype.fields.items(): data = obj.__array__()[col] if col not in group: a = tb.Atom.from_dtype(dt) arr = f.create_earray( group, col, a, (0,), col.capitalize(), filters=self.filters ) else: arr = getattr(group, col) arr.append(data) # create index table # if where not in self.indices: # self.indices[where] = HDF5IndexTable(where + "/_indices", start=self.index) self._record_index(where, len(data), split=True) def _process_entry(self, key, entry): self.log.debug("Inspecting {}".format(key)) if ( hasattr(entry, "h5singleton") and entry.h5singleton and entry.h5loc in self._singletons_written ): self.log.debug( "Skipping '%s' since it's a singleton and already written." % entry.h5loc ) return if not hasattr(entry, "h5loc"): self.log.debug("Ignoring '%s': no h5loc attribute" % key) return if isinstance(entry, NDArray): self._cache_ndarray(entry) self._record_index(entry.h5loc, len(entry)) return entry try: title = except AttributeError: title = key if isinstance(entry, Table) and not entry.h5singleton: if "group_id" not in entry: entry = entry.append_columns("group_id", self.index) elif self._reset_group_id: # reset group_id to the HDF5Sink's continuous counter entry.group_id = self.index self.log.debug("h5l: '{}', title '{}'".format(entry.h5loc, title)) if hasattr(entry, "split_h5") and entry.split_h5: self.log.debug("Writing into separate columns...") self._write_separate_columns(entry.h5loc, entry, title=title) else: self.log.debug("Writing into single Table...") self._write_table(entry.h5loc, entry, title=title) if hasattr(entry, "h5singleton") and entry.h5singleton: self._singletons_written[entry.h5loc] = True return entry
[docs] def process(self, blob): written_blob = Blob() for key, entry in sorted(blob.items()): if self.keys and key not in self.keys:"Skipping blob, since it's not in the keys list") continue self.log.debug("Processing %s", key) data = self._process_entry(key, entry) if data is not None: written_blob[key] = data if "GroupInfo" not in blob: gi = Table( {"group_id": self.index, "blob_length": len(written_blob)}, h5loc="/group_info", name="Group Info", ) self._process_entry("GroupInfo", gi) # fill up NDArray indices with 0 entries if needed if written_blob: ndarray_h5locs = set(self._ndarrays.keys()).union( self._ndarrays_cache.keys() ) written_h5locs = set( e.h5loc for e in written_blob.values() if isinstance(e, NDArray) ) missing_h5locs = ndarray_h5locs - written_h5locs for h5loc in missing_h5locs:"Filling up %s with 0 length entry", h5loc) self._record_index(h5loc, 0) if not self.index % self.flush_frequency: self.flush() self.index += 1 return blob
def _record_index(self, h5loc, count, split=False): """Add an index entry (optionally create table) for an NDArray h5loc. Parameters ---------- h5loc : str location in HDF5 count : int number of elements (can be 0) split : bool if it's a split table """ suffix = "/_indices" if split else "_indices" idx_table_h5loc = h5loc + suffix if idx_table_h5loc not in self.indices: self.indices[idx_table_h5loc] = HDF5IndexTable( idx_table_h5loc, start=self.index ) idx_tab = self.indices[idx_table_h5loc] idx_tab.append(count)
[docs] def flush(self): """Flush tables and arrays to disk""""Flushing tables and arrays to disk...") for tab in self._tables.values(): tab.flush() self._write_ndarrays_cache_to_disk()
[docs] def finish(self): self.flush() self.h5file.root._v_attrs.km3pipe = np.string_(kp.__version__) self.h5file.root._v_attrs.pytables = np.string_(tb.__version__) self.h5file.root._v_attrs.kid = np.string_(self._uuid) self.h5file.root._v_attrs.format_version = np.string_(FORMAT_VERSION)"Adding index tables.") for where, idx_tab in self.indices.items(): # any skipped NDArrays or split groups will be filled with 0 entries idx_tab.fillup(self.index) self.log.debug("Creating index table for '%s'" % where) h5loc = idx_tab.h5loc" -> {0}".format(h5loc)) indices = Table( {"index":["indices"], "n_items":["n_items"]}, h5loc=h5loc, ) self._write_table(h5loc, indices, title="Indices") "Creating pytables index tables. " "This may take a few minutes..." ) for tab in self._tables.values(): if "frame_id" in tab.colnames: tab.cols.frame_id.create_index() if "slice_id" in tab.colnames: tab.cols.slice_id.create_index() if "dom_id" in tab.colnames: tab.cols.dom_id.create_index() if "event_id" in tab.colnames: try: tab.cols.event_id.create_index() except NotImplementedError: log.warning( "Table '{}' has an uint64 column, " "not indexing...".format(tab._v_name) ) if "group_id" in tab.colnames: try: tab.cols.group_id.create_index() except NotImplementedError: log.warning( "Table '{}' has an uint64 column, " "not indexing...".format(tab._v_name) ) tab.flush() if "HDF5MetaData" in"Writing HDF5 meta data.") metadata =["HDF5MetaData"] for name, value in metadata.items(): self.h5file.set_node_attr("/", name, value) if not self.keep_open: self.h5file.close() self.cprint("HDF5 file written to: {}".format(self.filename))
[docs] class HDF5Pump(Module): """Read KM3NeT-formatted HDF5 files, event-by-event. Parameters ---------- filename: str From where to read events. Either this OR ``filenames`` needs to be defined. skip_version_check: bool [default: False] Don't check the H5 version. Might lead to unintended consequences. shuffle: bool, optional [default: False] Shuffle the group_ids, so that the blobs are mixed up. shuffle_function: function, optional [default: np.random.shuffle The function to be used to shuffle the group IDs. reset_index: bool, optional [default: True] When shuffle is set to true, reset the group ID - start to count the group_id by 0. Notes ----- Provides service h5singleton(h5loc): h5loc:str -> kp.Table Singleton tables for a given HDF5 location. """
[docs] def configure(self): self.filename = self.get("filename") self.skip_version_check = self.get("skip_version_check", default=False) self.verbose = bool(self.get("verbose")) self.shuffle = self.get("shuffle", default=False) self.shuffle_function = self.get("shuffle_function", default=np.random.shuffle) self.reset_index = self.get("reset_index", default=False) self.h5file = None self.cut_mask = None self.indices = {} self._tab_indices = {} self._singletons = {} self.header = None self.group_ids = None self._n_groups = None self.index = 0 self.h5file = tb.open_file(self.filename, "r") Provenance().record_input(self.filename, comment="HDF5Pump input") if not self.skip_version_check: check_version(self.h5file) self._read_group_info() self.expose(self.h5singleton, "h5singleton")
def _read_group_info(self): h5file = self.h5file if "/group_info" not in h5file: self.log.critical("Missing /group_info '%s', aborting..." % h5file.filename) raise SystemExit"Reading group information from '/group_info'.") group_info = h5file.get_node("/", "group_info") self.group_ids = group_info.cols.group_id[:] self._n_groups = len(self.group_ids) if "/raw_header" in h5file:"Reading /raw_header") try: self.header = HDF5Header.from_pytable(h5file.get_node("/raw_header")) except TypeError: self.log.error("Could not parse the raw header, skipping!") if self.shuffle:"Shuffling group IDs") self.shuffle_function(self.group_ids)
[docs] def h5singleton(self, h5loc): """Returns the singleton table for a given HDF5 location""" return self._singletons[h5loc]
[docs] def process(self, blob):"Reading blob at index %s" % self.index) if self.index >= self._n_groups:"All groups are read.") raise StopIteration blob = self.get_blob(self.index) self.index += 1 return blob
[docs] def get_blob(self, index): blob = Blob() group_id = self.group_ids[index] # skip groups with separate columns # and deal with them later # this should be solved using hdf5 attributes in near future split_table_locs = [] ndarray_locs = [] for tab in self.h5file.walk_nodes(classname="Table"): h5loc = tab._v_pathname loc, tabname = os.path.split(h5loc) if tabname in self.indices:"index table '%s' already read, skip..." % h5loc) continue if loc in split_table_locs:"get_blob: '%s' is noted, skip..." % h5loc) continue if tabname == "_indices": self.log.debug("get_blob: found index table '%s'" % h5loc) split_table_locs.append(loc) self.indices[loc] = self.h5file.get_node(h5loc) continue if tabname.endswith("_indices"): self.log.debug("get_blob: found index table '%s' for NDArray" % h5loc) ndarr_loc = h5loc.replace("_indices", "") ndarray_locs.append(ndarr_loc) if ndarr_loc in self.indices: "index table for NDArray '%s' already read, skip..." % ndarr_loc ) continue _index_table = self.h5file.get_node(h5loc) self.indices[ndarr_loc] = { "index": _index_table.col("index")[:], "n_items": _index_table.col("n_items")[:], } continue tabname = camelise(tabname) if "group_id" in tab.dtype.names: try: if h5loc not in self._tab_indices: self._read_tab_indices(h5loc) tab_idx_start = self._tab_indices[h5loc][0][group_id] tab_n_items = self._tab_indices[h5loc][1][group_id] if tab_n_items == 0: continue arr = tab[tab_idx_start : tab_idx_start + tab_n_items] except IndexError: self.log.debug("No data for h5loc '%s'" % h5loc) continue except NotImplementedError: # 64-bit unsigned integer columns like ``group_id`` # are not yet supported in conditions self.log.debug( "get_blob: found uint64 column at '{}'...".format(h5loc) ) arr = arr = arr[arr["group_id"] == group_id] except ValueError: # "there are no columns taking part # in condition ``group_id == 0``" "get_blob: no `%s` column found in '%s'! " "skipping... " % ("group_id", h5loc) ) continue else: if h5loc not in self._singletons:"Caching H5 singleton: {} ({})".format(tabname, h5loc)) self._singletons[h5loc] = Table(, h5loc=h5loc, split_h5=False, name=tabname, h5singleton=True, ) blob[tabname] = self._singletons[h5loc] continue self.log.debug("h5loc: '{}'".format(h5loc)) tab = Table(arr, h5loc=h5loc, split_h5=False, name=tabname) if self.shuffle and self.reset_index: tab.group_id[:] = index blob[tabname] = tab # skipped locs are now column wise datasets (usually hits) # currently hardcoded, in future using hdf5 attributes # to get the right constructor for loc in split_table_locs: # if some events are missing (group_id not continuous), # this does not work as intended # idx, n_items = self.indices[loc][group_id] idx = self.indices[loc].col("index")[group_id] n_items = self.indices[loc].col("n_items")[group_id] end = idx + n_items node = self.h5file.get_node(loc) columns = (c for c in node._v_children if c != "_indices") data = {} for col in columns: data[col] = self.h5file.get_node(loc + "/" + col)[idx:end] tabname = camelise(loc.split("/")[-1]) s_tab = Table(data, h5loc=loc, split_h5=True, name=tabname) if self.shuffle and self.reset_index: s_tab.group_id[:] = index blob[tabname] = s_tab if self.header is not None: blob["Header"] = self.header for ndarr_loc in ndarray_locs:"Reading %s" % ndarr_loc) try: idx = self.indices[ndarr_loc]["index"][group_id] n_items = self.indices[ndarr_loc]["n_items"][group_id] except IndexError: continue end = idx + n_items ndarr = self.h5file.get_node(ndarr_loc) ndarr_name = camelise(ndarr_loc.split("/")[-1]) _ndarr = NDArray( ndarr[idx:end], h5loc=ndarr_loc, title=ndarr.title, group_id=group_id ) if self.shuffle and self.reset_index: _ndarr.group_id = index blob[ndarr_name] = _ndarr return blob
def _read_tab_indices(self, h5loc):"Reading table indices for '{}'".format(h5loc)) node = self.h5file.get_node(h5loc) group_ids = None if "group_id" in node.dtype.names: group_ids = self.h5file.get_node(h5loc).cols.group_id[:] else: self.log.error("No data found in '{}'".format(h5loc)) return self._tab_indices[h5loc] = create_index_tuple(group_ids) def __len__(self):"Opening all HDF5 files to check the number of groups") n_groups = 0 for filename in self.filenames: with tb.open_file(filename, "r") as h5file: group_info = h5file.get_node("/", "group_info") self.group_ids = group_info.cols.group_id[:] n_groups += len(self.group_ids) return n_groups def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): # TODO: wrap that in self._check_if_next_file_is_needed(self.index) if self.index >= self._n_groups:"All groups are read") raise StopIteration blob = self.get_blob(self.index) self.index += 1 return blob def __getitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, int): return self.get_blob(index) elif isinstance(index, slice): return self._slice_generator(index) else: raise TypeError("index must be int or slice") def _slice_generator(self, index): """A simple slice generator for iterations""" start, stop, step = index.indices(len(self)) for i in range(start, stop, step): yield self.get_blob(i) self.filename = None def _close_h5file(self): if self.h5file: self.h5file.close()
[docs] def finish(self): self._close_h5file()
[docs] def create_index_tuple(group_ids): """An helper function to create index tuples for fast lookup in HDF5Pump""" max_group_id = np.max(group_ids) start_idx_arr = np.full(max_group_id + 1, 0) n_items_arr = np.full(max_group_id + 1, 0) current_group_id = group_ids[0] current_idx = 0 item_count = 0 for group_id in group_ids: if group_id != current_group_id: start_idx_arr[current_group_id] = current_idx n_items_arr[current_group_id] = item_count current_idx += item_count item_count = 0 current_group_id = group_id item_count += 1 else: start_idx_arr[current_group_id] = current_idx n_items_arr[current_group_id] = item_count return (start_idx_arr, n_items_arr)
[docs] class HDF5MetaData(Module): """Metadata to attach to the HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- data: dict """
[docs] def configure(self): = self.require("data") self.expose(, "HDF5MetaData")
[docs] def header2table(data): """Convert a header to an `HDF5Header` compliant `kp.Table`""" print(f"Unsupported header data of type {type(data)}")
@header2table.register(dict) def _(header_dict): if not header_dict: print("Empty header dictionary.") return tab_dict = defaultdict(list) for parameter, data in header_dict.items(): fields = [] values = [] types = [] for field_name, field_value in data.items(): fields.append(field_name) values.append(str(field_value)) try: _ = float(field_value) # noqa types.append("f4") except ValueError: types.append("a{}".format(len(field_value))) except TypeError: # e.g. values is None types.append("a{}".format(len(str(field_value)))) tab_dict["parameter"].append(parameter.encode()) tab_dict["field_names"].append(" ".join(fields).encode()) tab_dict["field_values"].append(" ".join(values).encode()) tab_dict["dtype"].append(" ".join(types).encode()) log.debug( "{}: {} {} {}".format( tab_dict["parameter"][-1], tab_dict["field_names"][-1], tab_dict["field_values"][-1], tab_dict["dtype"][-1], ) ) return Table(tab_dict, h5loc="/raw_header", name="RawHeader", h5singleton=True) @header2table.register(km3io.offline.Header) def _(header): out = {} for parameter, values in header._data.items(): try: values = values._asdict() except AttributeError: # single entry without further parameter name # in specification values = {parameter + "_0": values} out[parameter] = values return header2table(out) @header2table.register(HDF5Header) def _(header): return header2table(header._data)