Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Filename:
# pylint: disable=
Pump for the jpp file read through aanet interface.


from thepipe import Module, Blob
from km3pipe.controlhost import Client
from km3pipe.time import Cuckoo
from km3pipe.logger import get_logger
import threading
import socket
import time
import numpy as np
from collections import deque
from queue import Queue, Empty

__author__ = "Tamas Gal"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, Tamas Gal and the KM3NeT collaboration."
__credits__ = []
__license__ = "MIT"
__maintainer__ = "Tamas Gal"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

[docs] log = get_logger(__name__) # pylint: disable=C0103
[docs] class CHPump(Module): """A pump for ControlHost data."""
[docs] def configure(self): = self.get("host") or "" self.port = self.get("port") or 5553 self.tags = self.get("tags") or "MSG" self.timeout = self.get("timeout") or 60 * 60 * 24 self.max_queue = self.get("max_queue") or 50 self.key_for_data = self.get("key_for_data") or "CHData" self.key_for_prefix = self.get("key_for_prefix") or "CHPrefix" self.subscription_mode = self.get("subscription_mode", default="any") self.show_statistics = self.get("show_statistics", default=False) self.statistics_interval = self.get("statistics_interval", default=30) self.cuckoo_warn = Cuckoo(60 * 5, log.warning) self.performance_warn = Cuckoo( self.statistics_interval, self.show_performance_statistics ) self.idle_dt = deque(maxlen=1000) self.idle_timer = time.time() self.message_count = 0 self.loop_cycle = 0 self.queue = Queue() self.client = None self.thread = None if self.subscription_mode == "all": self.log.warning( "You subscribed to the ligier in 'all'-mode! " "If you are too slow with data processing, " "you will block other clients. " "If you don't understand this message " "and are running this code on a DAQ machine, " "consult a DAQ expert now and stop this script." ) print( "Connecting to {0} on port {1}\n" "Subscribed tags: {2}\n" "Connection timeout: {3}s\n" "Maximum queue size for incoming data: {4}".format(, self.port, self.tags, self.timeout, self.max_queue ) ) self._init_controlhost() self._start_thread()
def _start_thread(self): log.debug("Starting and demonising thread.") self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run, args=()) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start() def _init_controlhost(self): """Set up the controlhost connection""" log.debug("Connecting to JLigier") self.client = Client(, self.port) self.client._connect() log.debug("Subscribing to tags: %s", self.tags) for tag in self.tags.split(","): self.client.subscribe(tag.strip(), mode=self.subscription_mode) log.debug("Controlhost initialisation done.") def _run(self): log.debug("Entering the main loop.") while True: current_qsize = self.queue.qsize() self.loop_cycle += 1 self._set_idle_timer() try: prefix, data = self.client.get_message() except EOFError: log.warning("EOF from Ligier, trying again in 30 seconds...") time.sleep(30) try: log.debug("Reinitialising new CH connection.") self._init_controlhost() except socket.error: log.error("Failed to connect to host.") continue except BufferError: log.error("Buffer error in Ligier stream, aborting...") break else: self._add_idle_dt() self.message_count += 1 self.performance_warn() # log.debug("%d bytes received from network.", len(data)) if not data: log.critical( "No data received, connection died.\n" + "Trying to reconnect in 30 seconds." ) time.sleep(30) try: log.debug("Reinitialising new CH connection.") self._init_controlhost() except socket.error: log.error("Failed to connect to host.") continue if current_qsize > self.max_queue: self.cuckoo_warn( "Maximum queue size ({0}) reached, " "dropping data.".format(self.max_queue) ) else: self.queue.put((prefix, data)) log.debug("Quitting the main loop.")
[docs] def process(self, blob): """Wait for the next packet and put it in the blob""" try: log.debug("Waiting for queue items.") prefix, data = self.queue.get(timeout=self.timeout) log.debug("Got %d bytes from queue.", len(data)) except Empty: log.warning("ControlHost timeout (%d s) reached", self.timeout) raise StopIteration("ControlHost timeout reached.") blob[self.key_for_prefix] = prefix blob[self.key_for_data] = data return blob
[docs] def show_performance_statistics(self): if not self.show_statistics: return dt = np.median(self.idle_dt) current_qsize = self.queue.qsize() log_func = self.cprint if dt < 0 or current_qsize > 0: log_func = self.log.warning log_func( "Message rate: {0:.1f} Hz, median idle time per message: " "{1:.3f} us (current queue size: {2})".format( self.message_count / self.statistics_interval, dt * 1e6, current_qsize ) ) self.message_count = 0
def _set_idle_timer(self): self.idle_timer = time.time() def _add_idle_dt(self): now = time.time() self.idle_dt.append(now - self.idle_timer)
[docs] def finish(self): """Clean up the JLigier controlhost connection""" log.debug("Disconnecting from JLigier.") self.client.socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) self.client._disconnect()
def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): return self.process(Blob())
[docs] def next(self): return self.__next__()
[docs] def CHTagger(blob): tag = str(blob["CHPrefix"].tag) blob[tag] = True return blob