How to use self calibration module

The magnetic field read by the sensors inside km3net DOM are sending a measurement in cartesian referential. When a DOM is placed under an uniform magnetic field, rotating it should only results in a modification of the magnetic field direction. However, the natural coordinates system is often not centered on (0,0,0), which raise the need to perform a calibration before using converting the magnetic field data in a direction measurement.

This script is an example on how use the calib_self_sphere class on acceptance tests data in order to estimate the point around which the magnetic field is revolving, allowing a calibration directly computed on data.

import km3compass as kc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Loading some data

Initialising is a simple as this:

filename = "../tests/DOM_0801.csk"
reader = kc.readerCSK(filename)
File loaded, 2508 rows
        1 module(s)
        - 817302522
Number of measurements after removing duplicates : 252

Loading the module

The calib_self_sphere will fit a sphere to the raw magnetic field data, and will then correct the data from the estimated center.

calib = kc.calib_self_sphere(reader, 817302522)

Comparing data before and after calibration

To do so, we will use the kc.plot_raw_results function, that works for both raw and calibrated data :

kc.plot_raw_results(reader.df, title="Data before calibration")

kc.plot_raw_results(calib.df, title="Data after applying self calibration")
  • Data before calibration
  • Data after applying self calibration

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 2.001 seconds)

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