How to download a large batch of sea data

This example propose a simple script to download a large number of runs from the DB. In this example, the full ORCA6 period is download and save inside a h5 file.

import km3compass as kc
import km3db as kb
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

Get the runs range

This first block show how to retrieve the detector version information, containing the detector serial number as well as the range of runs that can be requested.

You need to know the det OID, that can also be found in the DB.

detoid = "D_ORCA006"

sds ="pd")  # Get access to StreamDS
detector = sds.detectors(OID=detoid)  # Get entry for given detoid

# Get a list of runs for the given detector
df_runs = sds.runs(detid=detector.SERIALNUMBER[0])

# Get the min and max run from that
minrun = np.min(df_runs["RUN"])
maxrun = np.max(df_runs["RUN"])

Download the data (optional)

This is where it will take some time … A 6h run can take up to 10 minutes, but it would be wise to first start your script on few runs to check the download speed. Also, consider that downloading 1 year of data will represent a peak memory usage between 10GB and 15GB. It might be useful to separate the downloading in slices when dealing with a very long time period.

reader = kc.readerOnline(detoid, minrun=minrun, maxrun=maxrun)

Apply calibration to data (optional)

This is not mandatory, but in this example we decide to go for a prepared dataset where the stored information is already calibrated.

db_agent = kc.calibration_DB_agent()
det_calib = kc.detector_calibration(reader, db_agent=db_agent)

Resample the dataset (optional)

If stored directly, the dataset will take few tens of GB of disk space, with its sampling frequency of 0.1Hz. This is unecessary, because the DOM movement are more of the order of the few hours or days scale. To reduce the fluctuation from the measurements as well as the size of the output file, we decide to resample to a measurement per DOM per 10 minutes.

resample_df function will do that, by computing the average by slice of 10 minutes. See pandas.DataFrame.resample function if you want to know more.

df = kc.resample_df(det_calib.df, period="10min")

Saving the dataset on disk

Finally, we can save the dataset to an h5 file. We also save some metadata that might be useful for later analysis.

filename = "output_calibrated.h5"

store = pd.HDFStore(filename)

# Save the detector configuration
store["detector"] = detector
# Save the list of runs from DB
store["df_runs"] = df_runs
# Save the calibration information
store["df_calib"] = det_calib.summary
# Save the calibrated and resampled dataset
store["df"] = df

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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