Microservices for KM3NeT

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This Python package provides access to KM3NeT microservices. It’s in an early development stage and the API will likely change any until v1.0.0 is released.


As usual, install with pip:

pip install km3services

Available Microservices


The km3services.oscprob module wraps the OscProb package to calculate neutrino oscillation probabilities. Here is an example how to calculate the transition probabilities from muon to electron neutrino (the API will be polished soon):

from km3services.oscprob import OscProb
import numpy as np

oscprob = OscProb()  # here you can pass a different server/port

n = 1000
energies = np.random.randint(1, 50, n)  # generate `n` energies between 1-50 GeV
cos_zeniths = -np.random.rand(n) / 2
# Use PDG particle encoding!
flav_in = 12   # electron neutrino
flav_out = 14  # muon neutrino

probabilities = oscprob.oscillationprobabilities(flav_in, flav_out, energies, cos_zeniths)

The returned probabilities is a numpy array:

[4.20254330e-03 7.46278836e-05 6.18139696e-04 4.03814960e-03
3.38002558e-03 3.33962606e-04 4.53159234e-02 5.03111960e-02
2.23391190e-03 2.07540790e-03 6.71385177e-03 3.03348121e-02
1.86633322e-02 4.81416626e-03 4.55362912e-05 3.59935810e-03]

Indices and tables