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349 statements  

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1# Filename: 

2# pylint: disable=C0111,C0103,R0904 


4Detector description (detx format v5) 


6global_det_id ndoms 

7dom_id line_id floor_id npmts 

8 pmt_id_global x y z dx dy dz t0 

9 pmt_id_global x y z dx dy dz t0 

10 ... 

11 pmt_id_global x y z dx dy dz t0 

12dom_id line_id floor_id npmts 

13 ... 




17from copy import deepcopy 

18from os.path import join, dirname 

19from io import StringIO 


21import numpy as np 


23from km3pipe.testing import TestCase, data_path 

24from km3pipe.hardware import Detector, PMT 

25from km3pipe.math import qrot_yaw 


27__author__ = "Tamas Gal" 

28__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, Tamas Gal and the KM3NeT collaboration." 

29__credits__ = [] 

30__license__ = "MIT" 

31__maintainer__ = "Tamas Gal" 

32__email__ = "" 

33__status__ = "Development" 



36 "\n".join( 

37 ( 

38 "1 3", 

39 "1 1 1 3", 

40 " 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 -1.1 0.2 0.3 10", 

41 " 2 1.4 1.5 1.6 0.1 -1.2 0.3 20", 

42 " 3 1.7 1.8 1.9 0.1 0.2 -1.3 30", 

43 "2 1 2 3", 

44 " 4 2.1 2.2 2.3 -1.1 0.2 0.3 40", 

45 " 5 2.4 2.5 2.6 0.1 -1.2 0.3 50", 

46 " 6 2.7 2.8 2.9 0.1 0.2 -1.3 60", 

47 "3 1 3 3", 

48 " 7 3.1 3.2 3.3 -1.1 0.2 0.3 70", 

49 " 8 3.4 3.5 3.6 0.1 -1.2 0.3 80", 

50 " 9 3.7 3.8 3.9 0.1 0.2 -1.3 90", 

51 ) 

52 ) 




56 "\n".join( 

57 ( 

58 "1 3", 

59 "8 1 1 3", 

60 " 83 1.1 1.2 1.3 -1.1 0.2 0.3 10", 

61 " 81 1.4 1.5 1.6 0.1 -1.2 0.3 20", 

62 " 82 1.7 1.8 1.9 0.1 0.2 -1.3 30", 

63 "7 1 2 3", 

64 " 71 2.1 2.2 2.3 -1.1 0.2 0.3 40", 

65 " 73 2.4 2.5 2.6 0.1 -1.2 0.3 50", 

66 " 72 2.7 2.8 2.9 0.1 0.2 -1.3 60", 

67 "6 1 3 3", 

68 " 62 3.1 3.2 3.3 -1.1 0.2 0.3 70", 

69 " 63 3.4 3.5 3.6 0.1 -1.2 0.3 80", 

70 " 61 3.7 3.8 3.9 0.1 0.2 -1.3 90", 

71 ) 

72 ) 




76 "\n".join( 

77 ( 

78 "1 3", 

79 "1 1 1 4", 

80 " 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 10", 

81 " 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 20", 

82 " 3 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 30", 

83 " 4 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 40", 

84 "2 1 2 2", 

85 " 5 0 0 1 0 0 1 50", 

86 " 6 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 60", 

87 "3 1 3 2", 

88 " 7 1 2 3 1 2 3 70", 

89 " 8 -3 -2 -1 -3 -2 -1 80", 

90 "4 2 1 2", 

91 " 9 0 0 1 0 0 1 90", 

92 " 10 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 100", 

93 ) 

94 ) 




98class TestDetector(TestCase): 

99 def setUp(self): 

100 self.det = Detector() 

101 self.det._det_file = EXAMPLE_DETX 


103 def test_parse_header_extracts_correct_det_id(self): 

104 self.det._parse_header() 

105 self.assertEqual(1, self.det.det_id) 


107 def test_parse_header_extracts_correct_n_doms(self): 

108 self.det._parse_header() 

109 self.assertEqual(3, self.det.n_doms) 


111 def test_parse_doms_maps_each_dom_correctly(self): 

112 self.det._parse() 

113 expected = {1: (1, 1, 3), 2: (1, 2, 3), 3: (1, 3, 3)} 

114 self.assertDictEqual(expected, self.det.doms) 


116 def test_dom_ids(self): 

117 self.det._parse() 

118 self.assertEqual((1, 2, 3), tuple(self.det.dom_ids)) 


120 def test_parse_reset_cache(self): 

121 self.det._parse() 

122 assert not self.det._dom_positions 

123 assert not self.det._pmt_angles 

124 assert not self.det._xy_positions 

125 self.det.dom_positions 

126 self.det.pmt_angles 

127 self.det.xy_positions 

128 assert self.det._dom_positions 

129 assert len(self.det._pmt_angles) == 3 

130 assert len(self.det._xy_positions) == 1 

131 self.det.reset_caches() 

132 assert not self.det._dom_positions 

133 assert not self.det._pmt_angles 

134 assert not self.det._xy_positions 


136 def test_parse_doms_maps_each_dom_correctly_for_mixed_pmt_ids(self): 

137 self.det._det_file = EXAMPLE_DETX_MIXED_IDS 

138 self.det._parse() 

139 expected = {8: (1, 1, 3), 7: (1, 2, 3), 6: (1, 3, 3)} 

140 self.assertDictEqual(expected, self.det.doms) 


142 def test_dom_positions(self): 

143 self.det._parse() 

144 assert np.allclose( 

145 [1.49992331, 1.51893187, 1.44185513], self.det.dom_positions[1] 

146 ) 

147 assert np.allclose( 

148 [2.49992331, 2.51893187, 2.44185513], self.det.dom_positions[2] 

149 ) 

150 assert np.allclose( 

151 [3.49992331, 3.51893187, 3.44185513], self.det.dom_positions[3] 

152 ) 


154 def test_xy_positions(self): 

155 self.det._parse() 

156 assert len(self.det.xy_positions) == 1 

157 assert np.allclose([1.49992331, 1.51893187], self.det.xy_positions[0]) 


159 def test_correct_number_of_pmts(self): 

160 self.det._parse() 

161 assert 9 == len(self.det.pmts) 


163 def test_pmt_attributes(self): 

164 self.det._parse() 

165 assert (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) == tuple(self.det.pmts.pmt_id) 

166 assert np.allclose( 

167 [1.1, 1.4, 1.7, 2.1, 2.4, 2.7, 3.1, 3.4, 3.7], self.det.pmts.pos_x 

168 ) 

169 assert np.allclose((1.7, 1.8, 1.9), self.det.pmts.pos[2]) 

170 assert np.allclose((0.1, 0.2, -1.3), self.det.pmts.dir[8]) 


172 def test_pmt_index_by_omkey(self): 

173 self.det._parse() 

174 assert 5 == self.det._pmt_index_by_omkey[(1, 2, 2)] 

175 assert 0 == self.det._pmt_index_by_omkey[(1, 1, 0)] 

176 assert 4 == self.det._pmt_index_by_omkey[(1, 2, 1)] 

177 assert 1 == self.det._pmt_index_by_omkey[(1, 1, 1)] 


179 def test_pmt_index_by_pmt_id(self): 

180 self.det._parse() 

181 assert 0 == self.det._pmt_index_by_pmt_id[1] 


183 def test_pmt_with_id_returns_correct_omkeys(self): 

184 self.det._parse() 

185 pmt = self.det.pmt_with_id(1) 

186 assert (1, 1, 0) == (pmt.du, pmt.floor, pmt.channel_id) 

187 pmt = self.det.pmt_with_id(5) 

188 assert (1, 2, 1) == (pmt.du, pmt.floor, pmt.channel_id) 


190 def test_pmt_with_id_returns_correct_omkeys_with_mixed_pmt_ids(self): 

191 self.det._det_file = EXAMPLE_DETX_MIXED_IDS 

192 self.det._parse() 

193 pmt = self.det.pmt_with_id(73) 

194 assert (1, 2, 1) == (pmt.du, pmt.floor, pmt.channel_id) 

195 pmt = self.det.pmt_with_id(81) 

196 assert (1, 1, 1) == (pmt.du, pmt.floor, pmt.channel_id) 


198 def test_pmt_with_id_raises_exception_for_invalid_id(self): 

199 self.det._parse() 

200 with self.assertRaises(KeyError): 

201 self.det.pmt_with_id(100) 


203 def test_get_pmt(self): 

204 self.det._det_file = EXAMPLE_DETX_MIXED_IDS 

205 self.det._parse() 

206 pmt = self.det.get_pmt(7, 2) 

207 assert (1, 2, 2) == (pmt.du, pmt.floor, pmt.channel_id) 


209 def test_xy_pos(self): 

210 self.det._parse() 

211 xy = self.det.xy_positions 

212 assert xy is not None 


214 def test_ascii(self): 

215 detx_string = "\n".join( 

216 ( 

217 "1 3", 

218 "1 1 1 3", 

219 " 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.1 2.1 3.1 10.0", 

220 " 2 1.4 1.5 1.6 4.1 5.1 6.1 20.0", 

221 " 3 1.7 1.8 1.9 7.1 8.1 9.1 30.0", 

222 "2 1 2 3", 

223 " 4 2.1 2.2 2.3 1.2 2.2 3.2 40.0", 

224 " 5 2.4 2.5 2.6 4.2 5.2 6.2 50.0", 

225 " 6 2.7 2.8 2.9 7.2 8.2 9.2 60.0", 

226 "3 1 3 3", 

227 " 7 3.1 3.2 3.3 1.3 2.3 3.3 70.0", 

228 " 8 3.4 3.5 3.6 4.3 5.3 6.3 80.0", 

229 " 9 3.7 3.8 3.9 7.3 8.3 9.3 90.0\n", 

230 ) 

231 ) 

232 detx_fob = StringIO(detx_string) 


234 self.det = Detector() 

235 self.det._det_file = detx_fob 

236 self.det._parse() 

237 assert detx_string == self.det.ascii 


239 def test_ascii_with_mixed_dom_ids(self): 

240 detx_string = "\n".join( 

241 ( 

242 "1 3", 

243 "8 1 1 3", 

244 " 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.1 2.1 3.1 10.0", 

245 " 2 1.4 1.5 1.6 4.1 5.1 6.1 20.0", 

246 " 3 1.7 1.8 1.9 7.1 8.1 9.1 30.0", 

247 "4 1 2 3", 

248 " 4 2.1 2.2 2.3 1.2 2.2 3.2 40.0", 

249 " 5 2.4 2.5 2.6 4.2 5.2 6.2 50.0", 

250 " 6 2.7 2.8 2.9 7.2 8.2 9.2 60.0", 

251 "9 1 3 3", 

252 " 7 3.1 3.2 3.3 1.3 2.3 3.3 70.0", 

253 " 8 3.4 3.5 3.6 4.3 5.3 6.3 80.0", 

254 " 9 3.7 3.8 3.9 7.3 8.3 9.3 90.0\n", 

255 ) 

256 ) 

257 detx_fobj = StringIO(detx_string) 


259 self.det = Detector() 

260 self.det._det_file = detx_fobj 

261 self.det._parse() 

262 assert detx_string == self.det.ascii 


264 def test_init_from_string(self): 

265 detx_string = "\n".join( 

266 ( 

267 "1 3", 

268 "8 1 1 3", 

269 " 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.1 2.1 3.1 10.0", 

270 " 2 1.4 1.5 1.6 4.1 5.1 6.1 20.0", 

271 " 3 1.7 1.8 1.9 7.1 8.1 9.1 30.0", 

272 "4 1 2 3", 

273 " 4 2.1 2.2 2.3 1.2 2.2 3.2 40.0", 

274 " 5 2.4 2.5 2.6 4.2 5.2 6.2 50.0", 

275 " 6 2.7 2.8 2.9 7.2 8.2 9.2 60.0", 

276 "9 1 3 3", 

277 " 7 3.1 3.2 3.3 1.3 2.3 3.3 70.0", 

278 " 8 3.4 3.5 3.6 4.3 5.3 6.3 80.0", 

279 " 9 3.7 3.8 3.9 7.3 8.3 9.3 90.0\n", 

280 ) 

281 ) 

282 det = Detector(string=detx_string) 

283 assert 1 == det.n_dus 

284 assert 3 == det.n_doms 


286 def test_detx_format_version_1(self): 

287 det = Detector(filename=data_path("detx/detx_v1.detx")) 

288 assert 2 == det.n_dus 

289 assert 6 == det.n_doms 

290 assert 3 == det.n_pmts_per_dom 

291 assert 1 == det.version 

292 self.assertListEqual([1.1, 1.2, 1.3], list(det.pmts.pos[0])) 

293 self.assertListEqual([3.4, 3.5, 3.6], list(det.pmts.pos[7])) 

294 self.assertListEqual([23.4, 23.5, 23.6], list(det.pmts.pos[16])) 


296 def test_detx_v1_is_the_same_ascii(self): 

297 det = Detector(filename=data_path("detx/detx_v1.detx")) 

298 with open(data_path("detx/detx_v1.detx"), "r") as fobj: 

299 assert == det.ascii 


301 def test_detx_format_version_2(self): 

302 det = Detector(filename=data_path("detx/detx_v2.detx")) 

303 assert 2 == det.n_dus 

304 assert 6 == det.n_doms 

305 assert 3 == det.n_pmts_per_dom 

306 assert 256500.0 == det.utm_info.easting 

307 assert 4743000.0 == det.utm_info.northing 

308 assert "WGS84" == det.utm_info.ellipsoid 

309 assert "32N" == det.utm_info.grid 

310 assert -2425.0 == det.utm_info.z 

311 assert 1500000000.1 == det.valid_from 

312 assert 9999999999.0 == det.valid_until 

313 assert 2 == det.version 

314 self.assertListEqual([1.1, 1.2, 1.3], list(det.pmts.pos[0])) 

315 self.assertListEqual([3.4, 3.5, 3.6], list(det.pmts.pos[7])) 

316 self.assertListEqual([23.4, 23.5, 23.6], list(det.pmts.pos[16])) 


318 def test_detx_v2_is_the_same_ascii(self): 

319 det = Detector(filename=data_path("detx/detx_v2.detx")) 

320 with open(data_path("detx/detx_v2.detx"), "r") as fobj: 

321 assert == det.ascii 


323 def test_detx_format_version_3(self): 

324 det = Detector(filename=data_path("detx/detx_v3.detx")) 

325 assert 2 == det.n_dus 

326 assert 6 == det.n_doms 

327 assert 3 == det.n_pmts_per_dom 

328 assert 256500.0 == det.utm_info.easting 

329 assert 4743000.0 == det.utm_info.northing 

330 assert "WGS84" == det.utm_info.ellipsoid 

331 assert "32N" == det.utm_info.grid 

332 assert -2425.0 == det.utm_info.z 

333 assert 1500000000.1 == det.valid_from 

334 assert 9999999999.0 == det.valid_until 

335 assert 3 == det.version 

336 self.assertListEqual([1.1, 1.2, 1.3], list(det.pmts.pos[0])) 

337 self.assertListEqual([3.4, 3.5, 3.6], list(det.pmts.pos[7])) 

338 self.assertListEqual([23.4, 23.5, 23.6], list(det.pmts.pos[16])) 


340 def test_detector_repr(self): 

341 det = Detector(filename=data_path("detx/detx_v3.detx")) 

342 assert "Detector id: '23', n_doms: 6, dus: [1, 2]" == repr(det) 


344 def test_detx_format_version_3_with_whitespace(self): 

345 det = Detector(filename=data_path("detx/detx_v3_whitespace.detx")) 

346 assert 2 == det.n_dus 

347 assert 6 == det.n_doms 

348 assert 3 == det.n_pmts_per_dom 

349 assert 256500.0 == det.utm_info.easting 

350 assert 4743000.0 == det.utm_info.northing 

351 assert "WGS84" == det.utm_info.ellipsoid 

352 assert "32N" == det.utm_info.grid 

353 assert -2425.0 == det.utm_info.z 

354 assert 1500000000.1 == det.valid_from 

355 assert 9999999999.0 == det.valid_until 

356 assert 3 == det.version 

357 self.assertListEqual([1.1, 1.2, 1.3], list(det.pmts.pos[0])) 

358 self.assertListEqual([3.4, 3.5, 3.6], list(det.pmts.pos[7])) 

359 self.assertListEqual([23.4, 23.5, 23.6], list(det.pmts.pos[16])) 


361 def test_detx_format_comments(self): 

362 det = Detector(filename=data_path("detx/detx_v1.detx")) 

363 assert len(det.comments) == 0 


365 det = Detector(filename=data_path("detx/detx_v2.detx")) 

366 assert len(det.comments) == 0 


368 det = Detector(filename=data_path("detx/detx_v3.detx")) 

369 assert len(det.comments) == 2 

370 assert " a comment line" == det.comments[0] 

371 assert " another comment line starting with '#'" == det.comments[1] 


373 def test_comments_are_written(self): 

374 det = Detector(filename=data_path("detx/detx_v3.detx")) 

375 det.add_comment("foo") 

376 assert 3 == len(det.comments) 

377 assert det.comments[2] == "foo" 

378 assert "# foo" == det.ascii.splitlines()[2] 


380 def test_detx_v3_is_the_same_ascii(self): 

381 det = Detector(filename=data_path("detx/detx_v3.detx")) 

382 with open(data_path("detx/detx_v3.detx"), "r") as fobj: 

383 assert == det.ascii 


385 def test_detx_v4(self): 

386 det = Detector(filename=data_path("detx/detx_v4.detx")) 

387 assert np.allclose( 

388 [119.6, -12.2, 192.77], det.dom_positions[808956908], atol=1e-2 

389 ) 

390 assert np.allclose( 

391 [119.6, -12.2, 97.44], det.dom_positions[808981864], atol=1e-2 

392 ) 

393 assert det.n_doms == 90 

394 assert det.det_id == 44 

395 assert det.n_pmts_per_dom == 31 

396 assert det.n_dus == 5 

397 assert np.allclose( 

398 det.doms[808945480], 

399 [ 

400 1, 

401 5, 

402 31, 

403 86.500, 

404 9.100, 

405 66.821, 

406 1.000000, 

407 0.000000, 

408 0.000000, 

409 0.000000, 

410 0.000, 

411 ], 

412 atol=1e-2, 

413 ) 

414 assert np.allclose( 

415 np.array( 

416 [[86.5, 9.1], [86.6, 6.6], [109.6, 5.9], [97.8, -9.6], [119.6, -12.2]] 

417 ), 

418 det.xy_positions, 

419 ) 

420 assert np.allclose( 

421 [ 

422 3, 

423 0.844, 

424 0.449, 

425 0.295, 

426 808981864, 

427 5, 

428 8, 

429 13367, 

430 119.768, 

431 -12.11, 

432 97.5, 

433 0, 

434 207863.242, 

435 ], 

436 list(det.get_pmt(808981864, 3)), 

437 ) 


439 def test_detx_v5(self): 

440 det = Detector(filename=data_path("detx/detx_v5.detx")) 

441 assert np.allclose( 

442 [464.4, 564.7, 190.583], det.dom_positions[808956908], atol=1e-2 

443 ) 

444 assert np.allclose( 

445 [464.4, 564.7, 95.389], det.dom_positions[808981864], atol=1e-2 

446 ) 

447 assert det.n_doms == 114 

448 assert det.det_id == 49 

449 assert det.n_pmts_per_dom == 31 

450 assert det.n_dus == 6 

451 assert np.allclose( 

452 det.doms[808981864], 

453 [ 

454 1.0000000e01, 

455 8.0000000e00, 

456 3.1000000e01, 

457 4.6440000e02, 

458 5.6470000e02, 

459 9.5389000e01, 

460 9.9995400e-01, 

461 -7.8470000e-03, 

462 3.9110000e-03, 

463 4.0080000e-03, 

464 0.0000000e00, 

465 3.7861343e04, 

466 ], 

467 atol=1e-2, 

468 ) 

469 assert np.allclose( 

470 np.array( 

471 [ 

472 [484.6, 564.65], 

473 [464.4, 564.7], 

474 [442.5, 567.45], 

475 [474.15, 583.45], 

476 [454.2, 583.0], 

477 [431.1, 583.5], 

478 ] 

479 ), 

480 det.xy_positions, 

481 ) 

482 assert np.allclose( 

483 [ 

484 3, 

485 0.73205, 

486 0.614161, 

487 0.29479, 

488 808981864, 

489 10, 

490 8, 

491 13367, 

492 464.546, 

493 564.823, 

494 95.448, 

495 0, 

496 207862.961, 

497 ], 

498 list(det.get_pmt(808981864, 3)), 

499 ) 



502class TestDetectorTransformations(TestCase): 

503 def setUp(self): 

504 self.det = Detector() 

505 self.det._det_file = EXAMPLE_DETX 


507 def test_translate_detector(self): 

508 self.det._parse() 

509 t_vec = np.array([1, 2, 3]) 

510 orig_pos = self.det.pmts.pos.copy() 

511 self.det.translate_detector(t_vec) 

512 assert np.allclose(orig_pos + t_vec, self.det.pmts.pos) 


514 def test_translate_detector_updates_xy_positions(self): 

515 self.det._parse() 

516 t_vec = np.array([1, 2, 3]) 

517 orig_xy_pos = self.det.xy_positions.copy() 

518 self.det.translate_detector(t_vec) 

519 assert np.allclose(orig_xy_pos + t_vec[:2], self.det.xy_positions) 


521 def test_translate_detector_updates_dom_positions(self): 

522 self.det._parse() 

523 t_vec = np.array([1, 2, 3]) 

524 orig_dom_pos = deepcopy(self.det.dom_positions) 

525 self.det.translate_detector(t_vec) 

526 for dom_id, pos in self.det.dom_positions.items(): 

527 assert np.allclose(orig_dom_pos[dom_id] + t_vec, pos) 


529 def test_rotate_dom_by_yaw(self): 

530 det = Detector() 

531 det._det_file = EXAMPLE_DETX_RADIAL 

532 det._parse() 

533 # here, only one PMT is checked 

534 dom_id = 1 

535 heading = 23 

536 channel_id = 0 

537 pmt_dir = det.pmts[det.pmts.dom_id == dom_id].dir[channel_id].copy() 

538 pmt_dir_rot = qrot_yaw(pmt_dir, heading) 

539 det.rotate_dom_by_yaw(dom_id, heading) 

540 assert np.allclose( 

541 pmt_dir_rot, det.pmts[det.pmts.dom_id == dom_id].dir[channel_id] 

542 ) 

543 assert np.allclose( 

544 [0.92050485, 0.39073113, 0], 

545 det.pmts[det.pmts.dom_id == dom_id].pos[channel_id], 

546 ) 


548 def test_rotate_dom_set_by_step_by_360_degrees(self): 

549 det = Detector() 

550 det._det_file = EXAMPLE_DETX_RADIAL 

551 det._parse() 

552 dom_id = 1 

553 channel_id = 0 

554 pmt_dir = det.pmts[det.pmts.dom_id == dom_id].dir[channel_id].copy() 

555 pmt_pos = det.pmts[det.pmts.dom_id == dom_id].pos[channel_id].copy() 

556 for i in range(36): 

557 det.rotate_dom_by_yaw(dom_id, 10) 

558 pmt_dir_rot = det.pmts[det.pmts.dom_id == dom_id].dir[channel_id] 

559 assert np.allclose(pmt_dir, pmt_dir_rot) 

560 pmt_pos_rot = det.pmts[det.pmts.dom_id == dom_id].pos[channel_id] 

561 assert np.allclose(pmt_pos, pmt_pos_rot) 


563 def test_rotate_du_by_yaw_step_by_step_360_degrees(self): 

564 det = Detector() 

565 det._det_file = EXAMPLE_DETX_RADIAL 

566 det._parse() 

567 du = 2 

568 pmt_dir = det.pmts[det.pmts.du == du].dir.copy() 

569 pmt_pos = det.pmts[det.pmts.du == du].pos.copy() 

570 pmt_dir_other_dus = det.pmts[det.pmts.du != du].dir.copy() 

571 pmt_pos_other_dus = det.pmts[det.pmts.du != du].pos.copy() 

572 for i in range(36): 

573 det.rotate_du_by_yaw(du, 10) 

574 pmt_dir_rot = det.pmts[det.pmts.du == du].dir 

575 pmt_pos_rot = det.pmts[det.pmts.du == du].pos 

576 assert np.allclose(pmt_dir, pmt_dir_rot) 

577 assert np.allclose(pmt_pos, pmt_pos_rot) 

578 assert np.allclose(pmt_dir_other_dus, det.pmts[det.pmts.du != du].dir) 

579 assert np.allclose(pmt_pos_other_dus, det.pmts[det.pmts.du != du].pos) 


581 def test_rescale_detector(self): 

582 self.det._parse() 

583 dom_positions = deepcopy(self.det.dom_positions) 

584 scale_factor = 2 

585 self.det.rescale(scale_factor) 

586 for dom_id, dom_pos in self.det.dom_positions.items(): 

587 assert np.allclose(dom_pos, dom_positions[dom_id] * scale_factor) 


589 def test_dom_table(self): 

590 self.det._parse() 

591 dt = self.det.dom_table 

592 assert 3 == len(dt) 

593 assert np.allclose([1, 2, 3], dt.dom_id) 

594 assert np.allclose([1, 1, 1], dt.du) 

595 assert np.allclose([1, 2, 3], dt.floor) 

596 assert np.allclose([1.49992331, 2.49992331, 3.49992331], dt.pos_x) 

597 assert np.allclose([1.51893187, 2.51893187, 3.51893187], dt.pos_y) 

598 assert np.allclose([1.44185513, 2.44185513, 3.44185513], dt.pos_z) 


600 def test_dom_table_with_another_detx(self): 

601 det = Detector() 

602 det._det_file = EXAMPLE_DETX_RADIAL 

603 det._parse() 


605 dt = det.dom_table 

606 assert 4 == len(dt) 

607 assert np.allclose([1, 2, 3, 4], dt.dom_id) 

608 assert np.allclose([1, 1, 1, 2], dt.du) 

609 assert np.allclose([1, 2, 3, 1], dt.floor) 

610 assert np.allclose([0, 0, 0, 0], dt.pos_x) 

611 assert np.allclose([0, 0, 0, 0], dt.pos_y) 

612 assert np.allclose([0, 0, 0, 0], dt.pos_z) 


614 def test_center_of_mass(self): 

615 det = Detector() 

616 det._det_file = EXAMPLE_DETX 

617 det._parse() 


619 assert np.allclose([2.4, 2.5, 2.6], 


621 def test_center_of_mass_with_another_detx(self): 

622 det = Detector() 

623 det._det_file = EXAMPLE_DETX_RADIAL 

624 det._parse() 


626 assert np.allclose([-0.2, 0.0, 0.2], 


628 def test_jdetectordb_output_with_detx_v3(self): 

629 det = Detector( 

630 data_path("detx/D_ORCA006_t.A02181836.p.A02181837.r.A02182001.detx") 

631 ) 

632 assert det.utm_info is not None 

633 assert det.utm_info.ellipsoid == "WGS84" 

634 assert det.utm_info.grid == "32N" 

635 assert det.utm_info.easting == 256500.0 

636 assert det.utm_info.northing == 4743000.0 

637 assert det.utm_info.z == -2440.0