
Use this batch runner to process a given list of run numbers with a script, which takes a -o to create a summary file, which has the name of the processed file + a given suffix. The actual call will look like this, with a bit of copy safeness:

/abs/path/to/SCRIPT run.root -o /abs/path/to/OUTPUT_PATH+SUFFIX

Before constructing the job scripts, the OUTPUT_PATH will be traversed to find files which have already been converted to avoid multiple conversions.

    qrunprocessor [options] DET_ID RUN_LIST OUTPUT_PATH SCRIPT
    qrunprocessor (-h | --help)

    DET_ID         Detector ID (e.g. 29).
    RUN_LIST       Path to the file containing the space separated run IDs.
    OUTPUT_PATH    Path to store the individual summary files.
    SCRIPT         The script to fire up.
    -s SUFFIX      The suffix, appended by SCRIPT [default: .summary.h5].
    -n N_FILES     Number of files to process per job [default: 10].
    -e ET          Estimated walltime per file in minutes [default: 15].
    -f FSIZE       Estimated filesystem size for a job [default: 12G].
    -m VMEM        Estimated vmem for a job [default: 8G].
    -j JOBNAME     The name of the submitted jobs [default: qrunprocessor].
    -l LOG_PATH    Path of the job log files [default: qlogs].
    -v PYTHONVENV  Path to the Python virtual env.
    -c CLUSTER     Cluster to run on (in2p3, woody, ...) [default: in2p3].
    -q             Dryrun: don't submit jobs, just print the job script.
    -h --help      Show this screen.

Module Contents


