Installation ============ .. contents:: :local: Installing km3pipe is as easy as running:: pip install km3pipe To install also all the optional extras (Pandas, SciPy, ...):: pip install "km3pipe[extras]" As of version 9, only Python 3.5+ is supported. version 8 is the last one which supports Python 2.7. To get the latest version from the ``master`` branch, use:: pip install git+ Once km3pipe is install, you can use the command line utility ``km3pipe`` to install or update your copy:: km3pipe update # install the latest master km3pipe update some-git-branch # install the from "some-git-branch" km3pipe update v9.0.0-beta.2 # install a specific version Using Virtual Environments -------------------------- It is highly recommended to create an isolated Python environment for each of your analyses and projects, so that you have full control over the installed packages. To create a virtualenv (Python 3.5+ required) run the command:: python -m venv venv which will create one in the ``venv`` folder. To activate it:: . venv/bin/activate After that you can ``pip install`` whatever you want. To leave the environment, activate another one or just type:: deactivate Important Note for Users of the CC-IN3P3 in Lyon ------------------------------------------------ km3pipe is preinstalled on the Lyon computing centre. Put this into your `~/.bashrc` or `~/.zshenv` (or whatever login script you prefer)::: module load python/3.7.5 Alternatively, if you need the old Python 2 version, you can load it with:: module load python/2.7.17 The Python environments also contain the latest versions of all important and commonly used scientific packages like scipy, numpy, scikit-learn, pandas, numba, astropy etc. If you are missing any packages, contact us and we will install them. Install from Source ------------------- If you prefer to play around with the source code or contribute to the development of km3pipe, you can also install it in an editable mode. First, clone the repository with:: git clone and run:: make install-dev This will install all the required development packages and create a link to your Python site-packages folder, so that you can edit the source and try it out immediately without having to reinstall it every time. Running the test suite ---------------------- To test if everything is working, make sure to install all the additional requirements with:: pip install "km3pipe[dev]" pip install "km3pipe[extras]" and run the following command:: km3pipe test If you are a developer, you will like to explore the ``make test`` and ``make test-loop`` commands after installing km3pipe from source (see above). Non-Python requirements ----------------------- km3pipe uses HDF5 as a primary high-level format. On Debian based Linux distributions (Ubuntu, ...), install the HDF5 libraries with:: (sudo) apt-get install hdf5 On RedHat-based distributions (CentOS, Scientific Linux, ...):: (sudo) yum install hdf5 On ArchLinux, Manjaro and alike:: (sudo) pacman -S hdf5