:py:mod:`km3pipe.utils.k40calib` ================================ .. py:module:: km3pipe.utils.k40calib .. autoapi-nested-parse:: The following script calculates the PMT time offsets using K40 coincidences Usage: k40calib FILE DET_ID [-t TMAX -c CTMIN -r -o CALIB_FILE -s STREAM] k40calib (-h | --help) k40calib --version Options: FILE Input file (ROOT). DET_ID Detector ID (e.g. 29). -r Skip frames with with at least one PMT in HRV. -t TMAX Coincidence time window [default: 10]. -s STREAM JDAQTimeslice stream (L1, L2, SN, ...) [default: ]. -c CTMIN Minimum cos(angle) between PMTs for L2 [default: -1.0]. -o CALIB_FILE Filename for the calibration output [default: k40_cal.p]. -h --help Show this screen. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: km3pipe.utils.k40calib.k40calib km3pipe.utils.k40calib.main .. py:function:: k40calib(filename, tmax, ctmin, stream, filter_hrv, det_id, calib_filename) .. py:function:: main()