Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
import awkward as ak

import km3pipe as kp
import km3io

[docs] USR_MC_TRACKS_KEYS = [b"energy_lost_in_can", b"bx", b"by", b"ichan", b"cc"]
[docs] class HitsTabulator(kp.Module): """ Create `kp.Table` from hits provided by `km3io`. Parameters ---------- kind: str The kind of hits to tabulate: "offline": the hits in an offline file "online": snapshot and triggered hits (will be combined) "mc": MC hits split: bool (default: True) Defines whether the hits should be split up into individual arrays in a single group (e.g. hits/dom_id, hits/channel_id) or stored as a single HDF5Compound array (e.g. hits). """
[docs] def configure(self): self.kind = self.require("kind") self.with_calibration = self.get("with_calibration", default=False) self.split = self.get("split", default=True)
[docs] def process(self, blob): if self.kind == "offline": n = blob["event"].n_hits if n == 0: return blob hits = blob["event"].hits hits_data = { "channel_id": hits.channel_id, "dom_id": hits.dom_id, "time": hits.t, "tot": hits.tot, "triggered": hits.trig, } if self.with_calibration: hits_data["pos_x"] = hits.pos_x hits_data["pos_y"] = hits.pos_y hits_data["pos_z"] = hits.pos_z hits_data["dir_x"] = hits.dir_x hits_data["dir_y"] = hits.dir_y hits_data["dir_z"] = hits.dir_z hits_data["tdc"] = hits.tdc blob["Hits"] = kp.Table( hits_data, h5loc="/hits", split_h5=self.split, name="Hits", ) if self.kind == "mc": n = blob["event"].n_mc_hits if n == 0: return blob mc_hits = blob["event"].mc_hits blob["McHits"] = kp.Table( { "a": mc_hits.a, "origin": mc_hits.origin, "pmt_id": mc_hits.pmt_id, "time": mc_hits.t, }, h5loc="/mc_hits", split_h5=self.split, name="McHits", ) if self.kind == "online": raise NotImplementedError( "The extraction of online (DAQ) hits is not implemented yet." ) return blob
[docs] class MCTracksTabulator(kp.Module): """ Create `kp.Table` from MC tracks provided by `km3io`. Parameters ---------- split: bool (default: False) Defines whether the tracks should be split up into individual arrays in a single group (e.g. mc_tracks/by, mc_tracks/origin) or stored as a single HDF5Compound array (e.g. mc_tracks). read_usr_data: bool (default: False) Parses usr-data which is originally meant for user stored values, but was abused by generator software to store properties. This issue will be sorted out hopefully soon as it dramatically decreases the processing performance and usability. """
[docs] def configure(self): self.split = self.get("split", default=False) self._read_usr_data = self.get("read_usr_data", default=False) if self._read_usr_data: self.log.warning( "Reading usr-data will massively decrease the performance." )
[docs] def process(self, blob): n = blob["event"].n_mc_tracks if n == 0: return blob mc_tracks = blob["event"].mc_tracks blob["McTracks"] = self._parse_mc_tracks(mc_tracks) return blob
def _parse_usr_to_dct(self, mc_tracks): dct = defaultdict(list) for k in USR_MC_TRACKS_KEYS: dec_key = k.decode("utf_8") for i in range(len(mc_tracks.usr_names)): value = np.nan if k in mc_tracks.usr_names[i]: mask = mc_tracks.usr_names[i] == k value = mc_tracks.usr[i][mask][0] dct[dec_key].append(value) return dct def _parse_mc_tracks(self, mc_tracks): dct = { "dir_x": mc_tracks.dir_x, "dir_y": mc_tracks.dir_y, "dir_z": mc_tracks.dir_z, "pos_x": mc_tracks.pos_x, "pos_y": mc_tracks.pos_y, "pos_z": mc_tracks.pos_z, "energy": mc_tracks.E, "time": mc_tracks.t, "pdgid": mc_tracks.pdgid, "id":, "length": mc_tracks.len, } if self._read_usr_data: dct.update(self._parse_usr_to_dct(mc_tracks)) return kp.Table(dct, name="McTracks", h5loc="/mc_tracks", split_h5=self.split)
[docs] class RecoTracksTabulator(kp.Module): """ Create `kp.Table` from recostruced tracks provided by `km3io`. Parameters ---------- best_tracks: bool (default: False) Additionally determine best track. split: bool (default: False) Defines whether the tracks should be split up into individual arrays in a single group (e.g. reco/tracks/dom_id, reco/tracks/channel_id) or stored as a single HDF5Compound array (e.g. reco/tracks). """
[docs] def configure(self): self.split = self.get("split", default=False) self.best_tracks = self.get("best_tracks", default=False) self.aashower_legacy = self.get("aashower_legacy", default=False) self._best_track_fmap = { km3io.definitions.reconstruction.JMUONPREFIT: (, "best_jmuon", ), km3io.definitions.reconstruction.JSHOWERPREFIT: (, "best_jshower", ), km3io.definitions.reconstruction.DUSJSHOWERPREFIT: (, "best_dusjshower", ), km3io.definitions.reconstruction.AASHOWERFITPREFIT: (, "best_aashower", ), }
[docs] def process(self, blob): n_tracks = blob["event"].n_tracks # we first check if there are any tracks, otherwise the other calls will raise if n_tracks == 0: return blob all_tracks = blob["event"].tracks if self.aashower_legacy == True: all_tracks.rec_stages = np.where( all_tracks.rec_type == km3io.definitions.reconstruction.AANET_RECONSTRUCTION_TYPE, all_tracks.rec_stages + 300, all_tracks.rec_stages, ) # put all tracks into the blob self._put_tracks_into_blob(blob, all_tracks, "tracks", n_tracks) # select the best track using the km3io tools if self.best_tracks: # check if it contains any of the specific reco types (can be several) for stage, (best_track, reco_name) in self._best_track_fmap.items(): if stage in all_tracks.rec_stages: tracks = best_track(all_tracks) self._put_tracks_into_blob(blob, tracks, reco_name, 1) return blob
def _put_tracks_into_blob(self, blob, tracks, reco_identifier, n_tracks): """ Put a certain type of "tracks" in the blob and give specific name. Parameters ---------- tracks : awkward array The tracks object to be put in the blob eventually. Can be only best tracks. identifier : string A string to name the kp table. n_tracks : int The number of tracks from before. Use to distinguish between best and all tracks. """ reco_tracks = dict( pos_x=tracks.pos_x, pos_y=tracks.pos_y, pos_z=tracks.pos_z, dir_x=tracks.dir_x, dir_y=tracks.dir_y, dir_z=tracks.dir_z, E=tracks.E, rec_type=tracks.rec_type, t=tracks.t, likelihood=tracks.lik, length=tracks.len, # do all recos have this? ) if n_tracks != 1: reco_tracks.update(, idx=np.arange(n_tracks), ) n_columns = max(km3io.definitions.fitparameters.values()) + 1 fitinf_array = ak.to_numpy(ak.pad_none(tracks.fitinf, target=n_columns, axis=-1)), fill_value=np.nan, ).astype("float32") fitinf_split = np.split(fitinf_array, fitinf_array.shape[-1], axis=-1) if n_tracks == 1: for fitparam, idx in km3io.definitions.fitparameters.items(): reco_tracks[fitparam] = fitinf_split[idx][0] else: for fitparam, idx in km3io.definitions.fitparameters.items(): reco_tracks[fitparam] = fitinf_split[idx][:, 0] blob["Reco_" + reco_identifier] = kp.Table( reco_tracks, h5loc=f"/reco/" + reco_identifier, name="Reco " + reco_identifier, split_h5=self.split, ) # write out the rec stages only once with all tracks if n_tracks != 1: _rec_stage = np.array(ak.flatten(tracks.rec_stages)._layout) _counts = ak.count(tracks.rec_stages, axis=1) _idx = np.repeat(np.arange(n_tracks), _counts) blob["RecStages"] = kp.Table( dict(rec_stage=_rec_stage, idx=_idx), # Just to save space, we specify smaller dtypes. # We assume there will be never more than 32767 # reco tracks for a single reconstruction type. dtypes=[("rec_stage", np.int16), ("idx", np.uint16)], h5loc=f"/reco/rec_stages", name="Reconstruction Stages", split_h5=self.split, )
[docs] class EventInfoTabulator(kp.Module): """ Create `kp.Table` from event information provided by `km3io`. """
[docs] def process(self, blob): # get the sim program if blob["header"]: if "simul" in blob["header"].keys(): sim_program = blob["header"].simul.program else: # not existent for real data sim_program = None else: sim_program = None blob["EventInfo"] = self._parse_eventinfo(blob["event"], sim_program) return blob
def _parse_eventinfo(self, event, sim_program): wgt1, wgt2, wgt3, wgt4 = self._parse_wgts(event.w) tab_data = { "event_id":, "run_id": event.run_id, "weight_w1": wgt1, "weight_w2": wgt2, "weight_w3": wgt3, "weight_w4": wgt4, "timestamp": event.t_sec, "nanoseconds": event.t_ns, "mc_time": event.mc_t, "trigger_mask": event.trigger_mask, "trigger_counter": event.trigger_counter, "overlays": event.overlays, "det_id": event.det_id, "frame_index": event.frame_index, "mc_run_id": event.mc_run_id, } if sim_program != None: # unfold the info in the w2list w2list_dict = self._unfold_w2list(event.w2list, sim_program) tab_data.update(w2list_dict) info = kp.Table(tab_data, h5loc="/event_info", name="EventInfo") return info def _unfold_w2list(self, w2list, sim_program): w2list_dict = {} definitions_dict = {} if sim_program.lower() == "gseagen": definitions_dict = km3io.definitions.w2list_gseagen elif sim_program.lower() == "genhen": definitions_dict = km3io.definitions.w2list_genhen # for cases like sim_program == "MUPAGE", the w2list is empty for key, idx in definitions_dict.items(): w2list_dict[key] = np.nan if idx >= len(w2list) else w2list[idx] return w2list_dict @staticmethod def _parse_wgts(wgt): if len(wgt) == 3: wgt1, wgt2, wgt3 = wgt wgt4 = np.nan elif len(wgt) == 4: # what the hell is w4? wgt1, wgt2, wgt3, wgt4 = wgt else: wgt1 = wgt2 = wgt3 = wgt4 = np.nan return wgt1, wgt2, wgt3, wgt4
[docs] class OfflineHeaderTabulator(kp.Module):
[docs] def process(self, blob): if blob["header"]: blob["RawHeader"] =["header"]) return blob