:py:mod:`km3astro.plot` ======================= .. py:module:: km3astro.plot .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Plotting utilities. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: km3astro.plot.ra_dec km3astro.plot.projection_axes km3astro.plot.plot_equatorial km3astro.plot.get_coord_from_skycoord km3astro.plot.get_alert_color km3astro.plot.get_alert_marker km3astro.plot.get_visibility_map km3astro.plot.skymap_hpx km3astro.plot.skymap_list km3astro.plot.skymap_alert .. py:function:: ra_dec(skycoord) Take (ra, dec) from skycoord in matplotlib-firendly format. This wraps the ra because astropy's convention differs from matplotlib. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: projection_axes(projection='aitoff', **figargs) .. py:function:: plot_equatorial(evts, projection='aitoff', ax=None, marker='o', markersize=4, alpha=0.8, adjust_subplots=True, **kwargs) .. py:function:: get_coord_from_skycoord(SC, frame, detector) Return the coordinate of a SkyCoord object for aitoff or mollweide projection :Parameters: **SC** : astropy.SkyCoord The sky coordinate. **frame** : str The frame of the coordinate, either "ParticleFrame" or "UTM" or "altaz" or "equatorial" or "galactic" **detector** : str [default = "antares"] Detector of the coordinate, either "orca", "arca" or "antares". :Returns: **(phi, theta)/(az, ze)/(alt, az)/(ra, dec)/(l, b)** : (float, float) The set of coordinate. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: get_alert_color(alert_type) Return the color for a specific alert_type Based on color list tab:Palette 10 .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: get_alert_marker(alert_type) Return the marker style for a specific alert_type .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: get_visibility_map(frame, detector) Get the visibility map for a given frame ('equatorial' or 'galactic') and a given detector ('antares', 'orca' or 'arca'). .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: skymap_hpx(skymap_url: str = None, obstime: str = None, nside: int = 128, detector: str = 'antares', outfile: str = None, **old_kwargs) Method to plot a skymap from an FITS url. :Parameters: **skymap_url** : str URL of the FITS skymap. **obstime** : str Alert time in ISOT format. **nside** : int Resolution of the map to be drawn (higher = more precise but slower). **detector** : str The detector to use for horizon definition. Choices are antares, orca, and arca. **outfile** : str Path to the output file. If None, no file is written. **\*\*old_kwards: dict** [TO BE DEPRECATED] Arguments used by the old function: (file0, save=False, path="", name="") **Returns:** .. **Fig** : file.png A png file of the skymap. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: skymap_list(dataframe: pandas.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame(), frame: str = 'equatorial', frame_input: str = 'equatorial', detector: str = 'antares', outfile: str = None, **old_kwargs) Method to plot a skymap from a list of alert in a csv file. :Parameters: **dataframe = pd.DataFrame()** The dataframe containing the list of alert. **frame** : str [default = "equatorial"] The frame of the skymap, either "equatorial" or "galactic". **frame_input** : str [default = "equatorial"] The frame of the input data, either "equatorial" or "galactic". **detector** : str [ default = "antares"] The detector to be used for eventual input and for horizon. **outfile** : str Path to the output file. If None, no file is written. **\*\*old_kwards: dict** [TO BE DEPRECATED] Arguments used by the old function: (file0, plot_frame, detector_to, alt_cut, title, save, path, name) **Returns:** .. **Fig** : file.png A png file of the skymap. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: skymap_alert(ra: float = None, dec: float = None, obstime: str = None, error_radius: float = None, frame: str = 'equatorial', detector: str = 'antares', outfile: str = None, **old_kwargs) Method to plot a skymap from an alert in a csv file or by giving RA, DEC and obstime. :Parameters: **ra, dec** : (float,float) The ra and dec coordinate of the alert. **obstime** : str The observation time of the alert. Format is "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" **error_radius** : float [default = None] The radius of the error circle around the alert coordinate. **frame** : str [default = "equatorial"] The frame of the map. **detector** : str [default = "antares"] The detector to use for horizon definition and coordinate transformation. Choices are antares, orca, and arca. **outfile** : str Path to the output file. If None, no file is written. **\*\*old_kwards: dict** [TO BE DEPRECATED] Arguments used by the old function: (file0, plot_frame, detector_to, alt_cut, title, save, path, name) **Returns:** .. **Fig** : file.png A png file of the skymap. .. !! processed by numpydoc !!