Source code for km3astro.toolbox

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import km3astro.coord as kc
import km3astro.frame as kf

[docs]def get_az_zenith(SC, detector="antares", unit="deg"): """Get the azimuth and zenith for a given sky coordinate Parameters ---------- SC : astropy.SkyCoordinate The sky coordinate. detector : str [default: "antares"] The name of the detector, either "antares", "orca" or "arca" unit : str The unit to be used on the output values, either "deg" or "rad" Returns ------- (azimuth, zenith): (float, float) Azimuth and zenith in the requested unit """ SC_copy = SC.copy() loc = kf.get_location(detector) if != "utm": raise ValueError("Wrong Frame: Expected 'utm' but got " + zenith = SC_copy.zenith.rad az = SC_copy.azimuth.rad if unit == "deg": zenith = SC_copy.zenith.deg az = SC_copy.azimuth.deg return az, zenith
[docs]def get_phi_theta(SC, detector="antares", unit="deg"): """Get the phi and theta for a given sky coordinate Parameters ---------- SC : astropy.SkyCoordinate The sky coordinate. detector : str [default: "antares"] The name of the detector, either "antares", "orca" or "arca" unit : str The unit to be used on the output values, either "deg" or "rad" Returns ------- (phi, theta): (float, float) phi and theta in the requested unit """ SC_copy = SC.copy() loc = kf.get_location(detector) if != "particleframe": raise ValueError( "Wrong Frame: Expected 'particleframe' but got " + ) phi = SC_copy.phi.rad theta = SC_copy.theta.rad if unit == "deg": phi = SC_copy.phi.deg theta = SC_copy.theta.deg return phi, theta
[docs]def get_alt_az(SC, unit="deg"): """Get the altitude and azimuth for a given sky coordinate Parameters ---------- SC : astropy.SkyCoordinate The sky coordinate. unit : str The unit to be used on the output values, either "deg" or "rad" Returns ------- (altitude, azimuth): (float, float) altitude and azimuth in the requested unit """ if != "altaz": raise Exception("Wrong Frame: Expected altAz but got " + alt = SC.alt az = if unit == "deg": alt = SC.alt.deg az = return alt, az
[docs]def get_ra_dec(SC, unit="deg"): """Get the right ascension and declination for a given sky coordinate Parameters ---------- SC : astropy.SkyCoordinate The sky coordinate. unit : str The unit to be used on the output values, either "deg" or "rad" or "hourangle" Returns ------- (ra, dec): (float, float) Ra and dec in the requested unit """ if != "icrs" and != "fk5": raise Exception("Wrong Frame: Expected icrs or fk5 but got " + ra = SC.ra dec = SC.dec if unit == "deg": ra = SC.ra.deg dec = SC.dec.deg if unit == "hourangle": ra = Angle(ra, unit="hourangle") ra = ra.to_string() dec = dec return ra, dec
[docs]def get_l_b(SC, unit="deg"): """Get the galactic longitude and galactic latiture for a given sky coordinate Parameters ---------- SC : astropy.SkyCoordinate The sky coordinate. unit : str The unit to be used on the output values, either "deg" or "rad" Returns ------- (l, b): (float, float) l and b in the requested unit """ if != "galactic": raise ValueError("Wrong Frame: Expected galactic but got " + l = SC.l b = SC.b if unit == "deg": l = SC.l.deg b = SC.b.deg return l, b
[docs]def global_transform(frame_from, frame_to, *args): """Global frame transformation function Parameters ---------- frame_from : str The frame of the input coordinate, either "ParticleFrame" or "UTM" or "equatorial" or "galactic" frame_to : str The desired frame of the output sky coordinate *args : list of the coordinate Parameters The sky coordinate parameters. Varies with frame_from and follow "km3astro.coord.build_event" function for reference. Returns ------- sky_object: astropy.SkyCoordinate The sky coordinate. """ loc = "orca" if frame_to == "UTM" or frame_to == "ParticleFrame": loc = args[5] sky_object = kc.build_event(frame_from, *args) sky_object = kc.transform_to(sky_object, frame_to, loc) return sky_object
[docs]def eq_to_utm(ra, dec, date, time, det): """Equatorial to UTM frame transformation function Parameters ---------- ra : float Right ascension in degree of the sky object dec : float Declination in degree of the sky object date : str Date of the sky object, format "YYYY-MM-DD" time : str Time of the sky object, format "HH:MM:SS" det : str The name of the detector for the UTM coordinate system, either "antares", "orca" or "arca" Returns ------- SC : astropy.SkyCoordinate The sky coordinate. """ frame_from = "equatorial" frame_to = "UTM" SC = global_transform(frame_from, frame_to, date, time, ra, dec, "deg", det) return SC
[docs]def eq_to_loc(ra, dec, date, time, det): """Equatorial to ParticleFrame frame transformation function Parameters ---------- ra : float Right ascension in degree of the sky object dec : float Declination in degree of the sky object date : str Date of the sky object, format "YYYY-MM-DD" time : str Time of the sky object, format "HH:MM:SS" det : str The name of the detector for the ParticleFrame coordinate system, either "antares", "orca" or "arca" Returns ------- SC : astropy.SkyCoordinate The sky coordinate. """ frame_from = "equatorial" frame_to = "ParticleFrame" SC = global_transform(frame_from, frame_to, date, time, ra, dec, "deg", det) return SC
[docs]def eq_to_gal(ra, dec, date, time): """Equatorial to galactic frame transformation function Parameters ---------- ra : float Right ascension in degree of the sky object dec : float Declination in degree of the sky object date : str Date of the sky object, format "YYYY-MM-DD" time : str Time of the sky object, format "HH:MM:SS" Returns ------- SC : astropy.SkyCoordinate The sky coordinate. """ frame_from = "equatorial" frame_to = "galactic" SC = global_transform(frame_from, frame_to, date, time, ra, dec, "deg") return SC
[docs]def loc_to_eq(phi, theta, date, time, det): """ParticleFrame to equatorial frame transformation function Parameters ---------- phi : float Phi in degree of the sky object theta : float Theta in degree of the sky object date : str Date of the sky object, format "YYYY-MM-DD" time : str Time of the sky object, format "HH:MM:SS" det : str The name of the detector of the sky object, either "antares", "orca" or "arca" Returns ------- SC : astropy.SkyCoordinate The sky coordinate. """ frame_from = "ParticleFrame" frame_to = "equatorial" SC = global_transform(frame_from, frame_to, date, time, theta, phi, "deg", det) return SC
[docs]def loc_to_utm(phi, theta, date, time, det): """ParticleFrame to UTM frame transformation function Parameters ---------- phi : float Phi in degree of the sky object theta : float Theta in degree of the sky object date : str Date of the sky object, format "YYYY-MM-DD" time : str Time of the sky object, format "HH:MM:SS" det : str The name of the detector of the sky object, either "antares", "orca" or "arca" Returns ------- SC : astropy.SkyCoordinate The sky coordinate. """ frame_from = "ParticleFrame" frame_to = "UTM" SC = global_transform(frame_from, frame_to, date, time, theta, phi, "deg", det) return SC
[docs]def loc_to_gal(phi, theta, date, time, det): """ParticleFrame to galactic frame transformation function Parameters ---------- phi : float Phi in degree of the sky object theta : float Theta in degree of the sky object date : str Date of the sky object, format "YYYY-MM-DD" time : str Time of the sky object, format "HH:MM:SS" det : str The name of the detector of the sky object, either "antares", "orca" or "arca" Returns ------- SC : astropy.SkyCoordinate The sky coordinate. """ frame_from = "ParticleFrame" frame_to = "galactic" SC = global_transform(frame_from, frame_to, date, time, theta, phi, "deg", det) return SC
[docs]def reader_from_file(file): """read a csv file into a pandas DataFrame""" table = pd.read_csv(file, comment="#") return table
[docs]def get_frame_name(SC): """Get the frame name from a SkyCoord object""" return
[docs]def get_obstime(SC): """Get the time of observation from a SkyCoord object""" return SC.obstime
[docs]def split_date_time(dt): """Split in date and time a string from the observation time of a SkyCoord object Parameters ---------- dt : str the date and time string from a SkyCoord object observation time, format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" Returns ------- (date, time): (str, str) date and time of the sky object """ date, time = dt.fits.split("T", 1) return pd.Series([date, time])
[docs]def Skycoord_breaker(data_SC): """Break a pandas DataFrame of SkyCoord into a new DataFrame with every parameters (date, time, ra/l/phi/az, dec/b/theta/alt) Parameters ---------- data_SC : pandas.DataFrame(SkyCoord) pandas DataFrame containing Skycoord object Returns ------- data : pandas.DataFrame A pandas DataFrame with every parameters of the input SkyCoord object """ sub_sc = pd.DataFrame(data_SC) frame = sub_sc.apply(lambda x: get_frame_name(x.SkyCoord_new)) frame0 = frame[0] for i in frame: if i != frame0: raise ValueError( "Non identical frame in list: expect only " + frame0 + " and got " + i ) obstime = sub_sc.apply(lambda x: get_obstime(x.SkyCoord_new)) data = obstime.apply(lambda x: split_date_time(x)) data = data.set_axis(["date", "time"], axis="columns") if frame0 == "galactic": data["gal_lon"] = sub_sc.apply(lambda x: x.SkyCoord_new.l.deg * 1) data["gal_lat"] = sub_sc.apply(lambda x: x.SkyCoord_new.b.deg * 1) return data elif frame0 == "icrs": data["ra"] = sub_sc.apply(lambda x: x.SkyCoord_new.ra.deg * 1) data["dec"] = sub_sc.apply(lambda x: x.SkyCoord_new.dec.deg * 1) return data elif frame0 == "utm": data["az"] = sub_sc.apply(lambda x: x.SkyCoord_new.azimuth.deg * 1) data["ze"] = sub_sc.apply(lambda x: x.SkyCoord_new.zenith.deg * 1) return data elif frame0 == "particleframe": data["phi"] = sub_sc.apply(lambda x: x.SkyCoord_new.phi.deg * 1) data["theta"] = sub_sc.apply(lambda x: x.SkyCoord_new.theta.deg * 1) return data else: raise ValueError("Error: Wrong Skycoord.frame :" + frame0) return None
[docs]def transform_file( file0, frame_from, frame_to, detector_from="orca", detector_to="orca", name="", return_data=False, ): """Transform the input file containing coordinate into a new table of those coordinate in a new frame Parameters ---------- file0 : str The path to the csv file containing the coordinate. Should follow the "km3py/test-data/astro/benchmark" format. frame_from : str The frame of the coordinate inside file0, either "ParticleFrame" or "UTM" or "equatorial" or "galactic" frame_to : str The desired frame of the output sky coordinate detector_from : str [default = "orca"] Detector of the file0 coordinate, either "orca", "arca" or "antares" . Mandatory if using frame_from = "ParticleFrame" or "UTM". detector_to : str [default = "orca"] Detector to use for the coordinate transformation, either "orca", "arca" or "antares" . Mandatory if using frame_to = "ParticleFrame" or "UTM". name : str [default = tempfile] path and name of the output file. Returns ------- data : csv file Csv file containing the pandas dataframe with the transformed coordinate. """ table_read = reader_from_file(file0) table_new = kc.transform_to_new_frame( table_read, frame_from, frame_to, detector_from, detector_to ) data = [table_new["SkyCoord_new"]] data = Skycoord_breaker(data) if name == "": import tempfile path = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() name = "data" + frame_to + ".csv" data.to_csv(name, index=False) if return_data == True: return data
[docs]def build_skycoord_list(table, frame, detector="antares"): """Transform the input table containing coordinate into a new table of SkyCoord coordinate Parameters ---------- table : pandas.DataFrame The table from the csv file containing the sky parameter. frame : str The frame of the coordinate inside the table, either "ParticleFrame" or "UTM" or "equatorial" or "galactic" detector : str [default = "antares"] Detector of the coordinate inside the table, either "orca", "arca" or "antares" . Mandatory if using frame_from = "ParticleFrame" or "UTM". Returns ------- list_evt : pandas.DataFrame(astropy.SkyCoord) DataFrame containing astropy.SkyCoord object corresponding to the sky coordinate in the input table. """ if frame == "ParticleFrame": list_evt = table.apply( lambda x: kc.build_event( frame,, x.time, x.theta, x.phi, "deg", detector ), axis=1, result_type="expand", ) if frame == "UTM": list_evt = table.apply( lambda x: kc.build_event( frame,, x.time, x.azimuth, x.zenith, "deg", detector ), axis=1, result_type="expand", ) if frame == "equatorial": list_evt = table.apply( lambda x: kc.build_event( frame,, x.time, x["RA-J2000"], x["DEC-J2000"] ), axis=1, result_type="expand", ) if frame == "galactic": list_evt = table.apply( lambda x: kc.build_event(frame,, x.time, x.gal_lon, x.gal_lat), axis=1, result_type="expand", ) if isinstance(list_evt, pd.Series): series_ = {"SkyCoord_base": list_evt} list_evt = pd.DataFrame(series_) list_evt = list_evt.set_axis(["SkyCoord_base"], axis="columns") return list_evt